: In hindsight, trying to activate an eSIM on my mobile account during the CrowdStrike outages wasn’t …

: How L.A. Noire Conquered The Uncanny Valley With Aussie Technology Depth Analysis (Gizmodo Republish) With the shuttering of Gizmodo Australia, I’m pulling a few of my favourite articles over here for …

: Red Dead Redemption Hands On: So I Want To Be A Cowboy (Gizmodo republish) With the shuttering of Gizmodo Australia, I’m pulling a few of my favourite articles over here …

: I want to go back and republish a handful of my Gizmodo articles here so they don’t disappear …

: Thoughts on the end of Gizmodo Australia I wrote a thing on Linked about Pedestrian’s decision to shutter Gizmodo (and other titles). …

: Went for a walk and a coffee in the Botanic Gardens yesterday. Just after we saw these kangaroos, we …

: I just published my 100th product review on BTTR. Gonna have a little party on my own tonight to …

: So BTTR seems to have a problem with the Rest API today and I have no idea how to fix it. Or why it …

: Went to the opening of the new Nepean river walk at Camden today. It was a really gorgeous day for …

: We’ve had to replace our car’s windscreen for the past two years. Fortunately, our insurance offers …

: Just phenomenal stuff here, folks. Every time someone like me reports on Google’s AI getting …

: Loved the first two episodes of The Acolyte. It’s so good to see. New side of Star Wars that doesn’t …

: I ate all of this. It was incredible.

: Tried out a (new?) dumpling bar in Camden for lunch today and they were delicious.

: Won #StarWarsTheCloneWars on 2024-06-08 with 3 players 🎲

: Had to walk down the shops, and it looks like we had a fair amount of rain.

: Had the hot water replaced today. Moved from gas to heat pump. Hoping it will save us some …

: A bird just flew into the window in front of my desk and scared the hell out of me.

: Finished reading: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (A Hunger Games Novel) by Suzanne Collins 📚 Not …

: Thoughts on musical tastes Now I’ve passed the halfway point in my listen through of the top 100 albums on Apple Music, I …

: So now that Apple Music has finished announcing its top 100 albums, I just want to say how crap I …

: I can tell when I’m going to like a new product for review when I get giddy showing it off to the …

: The future of the Internet is not going to be good If you run a business that relies on search from Google search, I would be mashing the hell out of …

: Ooh! Apple Music is running down its list of the best 100 albums. My mission is now to listen to all …

: After years of trying to work out where we could fit it and whether it was a worthwhile investment, …

: Accepting that something you poured a lot of time and effort into isn’t going to work out is hard.

: Today it was cold and miserable so we watched “Into the Woods”, and friends let me tell you it was a …

: Walking through St James station today on my way to a meeting, it reminded me of the fact they …

: Ed Zitron is brutal today in his newsletter, “The man who killed Google Search”

: Yep, it’s definitely time to move away from Google, for personal and business. I’m old …

: Absolute banger this week in Ed Zitron’s newsletter: The core problem lies in the fact that …

: I reckon we saw almost 20 kangaroos and wallabies while walking around the Botanic Gardens today. …

: I’m beginning to think I’m going to break up with Google. Its March core update has …

: Google Search is shit I have to admit that the inspiration for this post is anger. Pure unadulterated rage. As many would …

: Finished reading: It by Stephen King 📚 It’s been At least 20 years since I read this last. Not as …

: What the hell are the people at LinkedIn smoking?

: Google’s March Core update is looking like it has hit BTTR hard. I’ll wait and see how things play …

: I know it’s self-nominated, but I’m excited to see BTTR as a finalist for Best …

: I went out to take photos of some review products today in the Botanic Gardens. The local wildlife …

: I’ve been playing through the _Mass Effect _trilogy for the past year and a bit 🎮. I’m in the end …

: Just ripped my second pair of shorts this month. You may think it’s because I’m gaining weight, but …

: Aren’t 15 minute meetings that go for an hour grand? So productive!

: How does a typo like this happen on a product’s box?

: Published my review of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra yesterday afternoon on BTTR. It is an …

: Making Beef Jerky for the first time in the Ninja Woodfire I’m pretty excited.

: I am absolutely loving Lego at the moment. While I typically get most excited for the Star Wars …

: Driving home got funnelled into an RBT. First officer did the test, asked if I had my licence and …

: I have too many products to review. That isn’t a bad thing, it just means time management is …

: Finished Boba Fett today. Really love how there are subtle construction differences for similar …

: Nothing like having Covid to give you time to get through a book. Had to restart it. But too much …

: Last year, I started playing Good Sudoku’s daily challenges on a quest to get the yearly …

: Work

: Finished the year with an Outer Rim win. First time playing with the expansion, which was a lot of …

: Spent today with the Gerni and my mother in law’s house. Pretty knackered now, but everything looks …

: We watched Days of Future Past with the kids the other night, so I was telling them about how the …

: And because I love me a good “year in review” roundup, here’s my Apple Music Replay 🎵

: And just like that, here comes the Nintendo year in review 🎮

: Ooh, PlayStation 2023 wrap up is here. 🎮 No surprises for me this year.

: I ate too much Indian food. Birthday regrets.

: Finished building the Boushh Lego helmet today. I love it. The way the mask came together with the …

: This time of year really knows how to drain my bank balance.

: Started building Leia’s Boushh Lego helmet. Forgot to take a pic after bag 1, but I’m loving how the …

: Somebody in Canada has come to BTTR, viewed 24 pages and clicked on 88 different affiliate links in …

: Just watched two (2!) absolute bell-ends do 3 point turns over double white lines in a school zone. …

: Not that long ago, my son would talk about how much money he would make in a year if he mowed our …

: Daughter is away at school camp for the first time. Hope she’s having fun!

: I’ve spent 10 minutes trying to sign into Boost mobile. I tried the app and the website. I’ve reset …

: Worst day of my life, right here

: So I have to pay $10 for an Uber driver’s time despite waiting 15 minutes for him to go to the wrong …

: Up at 4am to fly to Melbourne for the day job’s Christmas party. If I’m still awake by the time it …

: I have so much work to do, but feel completely shattered today. Productivity is a struggle.

: Well, I rejoined Facebook again so I could try to support BTTR. But I can’t bring myself to …

: So, it turns out I was spamming the micro.blog feed with BTTR’s Black Friday deal links. Apologies! …

: Our quick long weekend We took a long weekend last weekend to Turon Gates, and it was spectacular. We stayed in a nice …

: Words cannot express my disdain for Facebook. I deleted my Facebook account back in 2019 or so, and have not regretted the decision at all. The …

: This looks incredible. Have thrown my pledge in for the deluxe edition: The Witcher: Path of Destiny

: It’s so sad that this country is hobbled by its racism and inability to proactively build an …

: Had to get a deep clean at the dentist this morning, including local anaesthetic and everything. It …

: Went to set up a bunch of home security cameras for review and one of them requires professional …

: Hogwarts Battle tonight with box 3 from the Monster Box of Monsters expansion Started off strong. Thought we had it all under control, and then the last encounter appeared. We …

: I absolutely loved the first season of Ahsoka. I thought the casting was perfect across the board, …

: This CMS is potentially the most frustrating piece of crap I have ever worked with. It was clearly …

: Familiar Tales Spent the past couple of days playing Familiar Tales, which my daughter got for her last birthday. …

: Birds of Tokyo with the SSO Home after seeing Birds of Tokyo play at the Opera House with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It was …

: Yesterday I was reviewing the espresso monitor for BTTR and drew a picture. My daughter was at …

: This morning our lovely neighbours came over and invited us all to the Botanic Gardens for lunch. …

: I’ve been on quite the SEO roller coaster the past month. August core update saw me reach record …

: Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate the boy’s birthday. We ate a lot of meat. It was …

: The last two episodes of Ahsoka have been, for me at least, probably the best Star Wars I’ve seen. …

: Daughter had her piano performance today and she smashed it. So very proud of her. And not just …

: Finished him. He is magnificent. The detail is incredible. The building was fun. I need more.

: Really trying to savour every moment of this Lego build.

: Started building my Father’s Day present tonight. This is the way.

: My Father’s Day is all about building a better zoo than my children.

: Ingredients prepped to build up an epic pasta for dinner.

: I’ve been neglecting the blog, so completely missed that there was a Micro.blog photo …

: The past week there’s been a bit of step change in performance for BTTR. It has only been a week, so …

: Wow. Ahsoka is perfect. From the opening crawl (in red!) to the parallels with the Rebels finale at …

: I have really struggled to get out of first gear today. I’m chugging along, but in fits and starts.

: Finally got to go and see Barbie today. It was great. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though nowhere near as …

: England was the better side overall tonight. But the Matildas were still phenomenal. Kerr’s goal was …

: Yes.

: I’m still emotionally recovering from the Matilda’s match last night. What a game!

: Feeling frustrated There’s this one PR agency with a few big tech clients that I’ve been chasing to get on …

: It has been about a month since I started at Compare Broadband, and I’ve slipped into a habit of …

: Words cannot capture my disdain for GA4. It’s ridiculous how shitty the experience is.

: Side of the house is coming along infinitely better than the 10 previous attempts. Still a long way …

: At some point in the not so distant past, somebody vomited on the plane I just boarded. I can’t see …

: Australia’s snowy mountains may not compare globally, but they still looked nice flying over them …

: First flight since about 2019. Heading down to Melbourne for the new job.

: For probably the 10th time since we bought this house, I have cleared the weeds down the side to try …

: Last night the family and I went to see Beauty and the Beast. It was amazing. It started a little …

: It’s been so long, it’s time for a life update The past few weeks have been hectic. I’ve been all over the place mentally, and things have changed …

: For the past few times the kids have gone to Nanna’s, the wife and I have tried to beat Box 2 of the …

: Today was the first day in a week and a half I could do some work. It wore me out, but it sure beat …

: Finished reading: Star Wars: The Princess and the Scoundrel by Beth Revis 📚 I had a couple of great …

: I have completely lost this past week to illness. No work done, very little entertainment enjoyed. …

: This game did not go well for us. Too many expensive cards up front we couldn’t afford, devastating …

: I’ve been testing an air purifier for work for a couple of weeks now and… I think I love it? I was a …

: Finished reading: Thrawn: Treason (Star Wars) by Timothy Zahn 📚 Finally got to read this - the boy …

: I’ve been so busy working the past couple of weeks I’ve forgotten to spend time blogging on here. …

: This feature on Ahsoka in the latest issue of Empire has me so very, very excited. I want to temper …

: I enjoyed this enough. I thought Ariel was great, as were Sebastian and Scuttle. But Eric, Flounder …

: My son’s tech assessment on Friday is cooking up a burger, so he had a practice run through cooking …

: Finished reading: Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars) by Timothy Zahn 📚 Interesting book. I think he …

: It’s been so long since I watched this I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Great movie. Lays a …

: Today I went and had a briefing on a new coffee machine at the De’Longhi Coffee Lounge. Perhaps …

: Today was an epic day of back to back events and meetings. It get good to be getting myself back out …

: Yeah, I freakin’ loved Guardians Vol 3. They weren’t saving the Galaxy, they were saving each other, …

: Could barely keep my eyes open I was so bored… but it was still better than The Wild.

: Finally got to Kara’s favourite Disney movie. She’s very happy. It took us years to watch this when …

: Today I tried to set up Google ad manager on BTTR. It… did not go as planned. Now to decide whether …

: I enjoyed this more than I remembered. Not as strong as some of the later princess movies like …

: For the second time in the past month, (and probably the fourth or fifth time since they moved in), …

: Realised there was a comic version of Thrawn last night, so decided to read it too. It’s a good …

: This was good! Couldn’t really put it down. I haven’t read Heir to the Empire (yet), but loved (to …

: The preparation for Ahsoka in August continues… So far enjoying this immensely! Currently reading: …

: To prepare for Ahsoka in a couple of months, we started a rewatch of Rebels last weekend. We’re only …

: Tonight we discovered the joy of 2Cellos. Phenomenal. Obviously quite late to the party, but the …

: Today, I realised I miss listening to perfect albums I mentioned a couple of months ago that I have been obsessed with the latest Paramore album, This is …

: May the fourth be with you. This is the May.

: I am mostly enjoying self employment, but I really miss getting paid. You know, that feeling of …

: Left it pretty late to do my taxes this year, but it has now been checked off the todo list. Pity …

: Another classic. I was reading the other day that Ratatouille, Wall-E and Up were all made at Pixar …

: First time I watched this all the way through. It was pretty good.

: So good. I’m still blown away by how much emotion is in this movie about robots that barely talk.

: Finished reading: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller 📚 Funny that I enjoyed this a lot more than the …

: Today has been a real struggle. Combo of work challenges and the kids going back to school this …

: Played a truly epic game of Outer Rim with the family yesterday. Took us all day, and involved …

: Monday night soccer. At least tomorrow is a public holiday.

: My first big BTTR hurdle I had my first big setback on BTTR over the weekend. Amazon decided to close my Associates account. …

: Love having to explain what a vasectomy is to the kids after watching an episode of Malcolm in the …

: Really loved watching the finale for The Mandalorian. Lots of questions about where things are going …

: Took the kids to play some laser tag today. It’s one of the few things we do that’s just for dad and …

: Can’t watch this now without thinking about Racacoonie. Still good though.

: Finished reading: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan 📚 Somewhere in here is a good story. But there are …

: BTTR Weekly update 12 April And so, it is that at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon I pick myself up, dust myself off, and try to …

: Definitely weaker than the original. Admittedly it was a tough act to follow, but this just seemed …

: I can’t even begin to express how excited I am for Ahsoka.

: This was great. Love how they made fun of the genre. Great characters, well acted. A lot of fun.

: Another disappointment in the Disney list. The early 2000s really were full of duds for the big D.

: BTTR weekly update 5 April This week’s has already been one of those weeks that obliterate the previous week from your …

: This week has been a roller coaster. The highs are great! The heart is pumping, I’m excited, things …

: In the city for a media event for the first time in what… 4 years? 5 years? That makes me feel quite …

: I think this is it. This is the worst Disney movie I have seen. Never again.

: It’s better than the second one. At least it has a bit of a story, though it’s fairly predictable.

: Ugh. This movie is so boring. It’s a silly plot and a ridiculous premise for a sequel.

: How is it that teenagers know exactly what buttons to push? What should have been a fun night of …

: BTTR weekly update 29 March By the end of last week I was just about cooked, I have to be honest with you. I ended up spending …

: I just finished playing Skyward Sword and I have to say, it seems very much like a prequel to Breath …

: The kids have been at Nanna’s overnight, so we played The Lord of the Rings board game for the first …

: Was feeling pretty run down today, so decided to play video games instead of grinding away at work. …

: BTTR weekly update 22 March So, last week was a bit of a struggle. After having a bit of an existential crisis around the …

: Well, they’re setting the gang up for some pretty big storms given the amount of quiet in this …

: I am loving the Bo Katan Kryze story at the moment. She saw the mythosaur and is having a crisis of …

: Today I decided to take a step back and reprioritise my content plan. It meant I don’t have much to …

: BTTR Weekly update 15 March I have to tell you, I was struggling at the start of this week. I’ve been pumping out pages for this …

: Classic! Introduced it to the kids last night. They loved it, though a scene or two caused some …

: This was so much fun, even though the girls decided to gang up on me. Had victory snatched from my …

: Two very different Star Wars episodes this week, but both were exceptional. I loved watching Bo …

: BTTR Weekly update 7 March I’m definitely running late on publishing the weekly update this week. It’s been a crazy few days, …

: Unbelievably, my baby girl is having her high school taster day today. Where did the last decade go?

: Hogwarts Battle destroyed me this weekend I hate losing. This weekend, my wife and I played the Hogwarts Battle board game, with the Monster …

: I really enjoyed the return of Mando this week. Grogu was superb, and there are plenty of threads …

: Now that the old barbecue is toast, I’ve had to pull out the Weber Q from retirement and… it cooks …

: I am really going to miss this TV when it gets collected.

: BTTR weekly update 27 Feb I hit a big milestone this past week on BTTR. For the first time, Search Console is telling me that …

: I’ll see that Quimby boy hang for this! What a morning. Today I did my civic duty reporting in for Jury Duty. That meant I sat around for …

: I really enjoyed this. I thought Jonathan Majors was excellent as Kang, and am really keen to see …

: Not as good as the first one, but still a bit of fun. Love the 4th wall moments too. Third movie is …

: I am absolutely, 100% earwormed by every track on the new Paramore album. The only way I can get one …

: BTTR Weekly update BTTR enjoyed its second record traffic week in a row last week. Over 600 pageviews for the week, …

: Played against Lauren while the kids played video games. Ended up getting lots of spells that forced …

: I never really loved Cars like I did the earlier Pixar movies. The movie is fine — it’s a good …

: First play through of Goonies: Never Say Die today. I played as Goondocks Master, Lauren, and Kara …

: Nothing quite starts arguments in this house like trying to play 4 player Overcooked.

: This morning has been a roller coaster of affiliate network approvals, rejections, technical …

: Woke up at 4:30 this morning with a blocked nose and a pounding headache. Panadol helped, but I do …

: Last week was a pretty good week for BTTR with a couple of good milestones achieved. Over 500 …

: Played The Hobbit: An unexpected party with the whole family today. It obviously took longer with 4 …

: Oh my god this was terrible. No redeeming qualities.

: The sequel was fun, and I enjoyed the focus on Elastigirl rather than Mr Incredible. But it just …

: The iMac really should have a touchscreen Yesterday I went to see Apple PR to tell them all about the new website. When I arrived, I was asked …

: Ed Zitron captured the perfect analogy about company obsession with growth today. As my friend …

: Yesterday I officially unveiled my new work site, and shortly afterwards was interviewed by Phil at …

: I’ve started trying to begin my day with the daily puzzles in Good Sudoku on Apple Arcade. I find …

: I updated LinkedIn today so it must make it official. I’ve launched a new product review site for …

: There’s nothing quite like a Zelda game. I’m playing Skyward Sword on the Switch, and even though …

: Sunday barbecue Well, my Sunday afternoon took a turn. Getting ready to cook a nice roast pork on the barbecue when …

: It’s been a few years since I’ve watched this one, but it definitely still holds up. Such a great …

: Third day back at school at the boy slept through his alarm. Lucky we have redundancies… … Me.

: Now that the kids are back at school, I’ve been more focused on trying to work. And now that I’m …

: Another year’s school books covered in Contact. I would pay a significant premium to get pre …

: Finished the last of the _Pirates of the Caribbean _films tonight. It was fine. By this stage in a …

: What a great family day. We took the kids bowling. It has been a long time since any of us has been …

: This was a lot more fun than I expected. Loved the 4th wall breaking — not just the spoken scenes, …

: I spent today playing the Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Beginner Game TTRPG. Firstly, I’m shocked …

: Mostly mindless, enjoyable romp. But I’m pretty sure the mermaid ate the missionary guy. That makes …

: A good friend - one of my old colleagues - built a game. On his own. While he was still working. …

: I think there’s a reason I’d never seen this before. It was… not good.

: Cracked open The Hobbit: An Unexpected Party board game from the Christmas gift haul today with my …

: I haven’t seen this in at least 20 years, but Geena Davis was as amazing as I remembered in this …

: A summer bushwalk in the rain This morning we got up early and drove to Thirlmere Lakes National Park to do a barbecue breakfast …

: I enjoyed this more than the second movie. It’s still a bit too long – they could easily have cut …

: This movie is too long. There are too many superfluous set pieces. I may have drifted off a bit. I …

: Today was spent mourning my wife’s uncle, who recently passed away. It was a lovely service and …

: I’ve had a few really good work conversations this week. It’s good to know that even …

: Better than I expected, but I wasn’t expecting much.

: Finished reading: Civil War by Mark Millar 📚 Really enjoyed this. Keen to dive a bit more into …

: I was so bored in this movie. The plot was predictable, the protagonist was an irritating jerk, and …

: It’s still school holidays, and today my daughter has pulled out Disney Infinity. I’ve …

: I’m commuting to the city on public transport for the first time since March 2020. I’m unsurprised, …

: Finally had a night without the kids last night and managed to watch this. All I can say is: “Holy …

: I just ate way too much roast lamb. This is the way.

: Haven’t watched it for ages, and introduced it to the kids tonight. They both loved it, savvy.

: Shared victory of our first game of Harry Potter House Cup Competition with my wife. Played on …

: Today’s trip to Treetops Today I took the kids to Treetops out in Western Sydney. It was incredible. It’s rare I can find …

: Really enjoyed this episode. I reckon it’s the beginning of the Crosshair redemption arc.

: Today my son and I raced up a hill. It was a decent hill; a dirt track with loose rocks, tufts of …


: Finally got around to cleaning under the lounge today. It was filthy. I have already created a …

: Challenged the kids to some handball today, and despite my increasing age, it’s good to know I can …

: The family wasn’t happy that I won the first game by taking the Ring of Power to Mount Doom, so they …

: Won Monopoly: The Lord of The Rings Edition on 2023-01-08 with 4 players, winning score: 43 🎲

: Won Munchkin Harry Potter on 2023-01-07 with 3 players, winning score: 10 🎲

: …and home after a long drive. The number of idiots on the road today tailgating and swerving between …

: Doing the last day of holidays packing. I hate this bit.

: Read about ASIC deciding to sue Finder over the crypto Finder Earn product and I have so many …

: Holy shit. I was at Sea World yesterday and looked at the helicopter rides. I feel for the families …

: I spent the first day of 2023 with the family, pounding the pavement of Sea World. Still a great day …

: I don’t think I could ever live here, but I do love the walking track that runs up and down the …

: After an epic 12 hour drive, we are finally on holidays up on the Gold Coast. Nice apartment, …

: I just spent 45 minutes ransacking the house looking for the key to the car’s roof racks. I searched …

: Damn Christmas is so freaking exhausting. I’m shattered.

: Just finished watching Spirited on Apple TV+ and thoroughly enjoyed it. The Wil Ferrell/Ryan …

: 3 Die Hard movies done and I’ve finished Christmas wrapping 4 days early this year. Not sure if I’m …

: Wrapping presents and watching Die Hard. It’s officially Christmas time.

: I finally got around to finishing Luigi’s Mansion on the Switch last night. Was cute, simple fun, …

: I guess I spent a bit of time getting ready for that David Gray White Ladder gig this year.

: Oh! Today, randomly, I discovered my old blog. Well, one of them, anyway. I have now migrated it …

: Today I pulled out the Rock Band instruments and rocked out with the kids all day. My fingers ache, …

: I don’t know if it’s just the relief of getting through the school year and mentally switching off, …

: I think I’ve hit the point in Arkham Knight where it’s time to quit. New game plus, most of the AR …

: My Nintendo Switch play summary for 2022 shows I probably didn’t play as much Switch as I should …

: This year’s gaming wrapup from PlayStation. So happy I bought a PS5 on launch day to play PS4 …

: Gave up on trying to document the Lego Advent calendars. Had a couple of busy days and then forgot. …

: I like to try and work things out when I can, but I think it is time for me to just accept I will …

: Hilariously just woke myself from an afternoon nap with a loud snore.

: No wonder I’m tired.

: Day 7 of Lego Advent calendars Some good ones today. The Harry Potter Knight Bus is perfection - instantly recognisable with only a …

: Lego Advent calendars Day 6 (a day late!) Oops. Yesterday I forgot to post pics of the Lego Advent calendars. Partially because I was so …

: Yesterday I started doing something that ended up taking me all of yesterday and most of today. It …

: Day 5 of the Lego Advent calendars is all win Todays advent gifts were all good. Star Wars was the weakest link with a standard droid trooper. But …

: Today was the first real day I haven’t had to do anything since quitting, and I was planning on …

: See, this is the kind of thing that just makes me appreciate Lego even more. The Complete, …

: Lego Advent Calendars Day 4 Have to say I’m a bit let down by the Guardians set today. A tool rack? With some dynamite? Bit of a …

: Lego Advent Calendars Day 3 Not gonna lie - had to look up what the Star Wars ship was tonight. Quite the obscure prequel …

: Lego Advent Calendars Day 2 After yesterday’s weak start with Harry Potter, it was good to see it come back with the cute little …

: November was a little quiet on the board game front. Only two games played. Going to have to make up …

: Day one of 2022 Lego Advent Calendars Star Lord for Guardians of the Galaxy, a Republic Gunship for Star Wars and I haven’t worked out the …

: This morning, on my first day of not being employed, I took my son to school and watched him receive …

: I just realised that because I linked my work MacBook to my iCloud account, I have a lot of personal …

: One of the hardest things about being an adult is having to work out what to cook for dinner every …

: It appears that the trend of decreasing search demand in Australia for “Black Friday” we …

: Yesterday I was feeling inspired and bought a nice roast lamb for tonight’s dinner. Today …

: I went to the shops for the first time in ages today, and I think I inadvertently made an emotional …

: I’ve decided I need to do more writing for myself and my own pleasure. This little blog is a …

: How is it my brain can retain the lyrics to pretty much every Bon Jovi song from the 1990s, but I …

: I only have one more week of work left at my current job. Today I sent out the “new email address” …

: I didn’t even realise I had a shallow graze along the side of my thumb until I applied the …

: Yesterday I spent 5 minutes telling my kids how Batman & Robin was so bad it’s actually …

: Yesterday was such a big day I’ve been little more than a vegetable today, lounging around without …

: Just got home from a great day out with the family. Saw Wakanda Forever, enjoyed a great dinner and …

: I used to think I would one day write a great novel, but these days I feel I’m probably not creative …

: One and a half weeks left to go at work. As much as the meetings tire me out, I will miss working …

: Years ago I went on a tour of the Bundaberg Rum distillery. I came home with this barrel full of …

: As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been playing through the Batman Arkham games for the past …

: When the power goes out This morning I woke to a complete blackout. No power at all. The kids couldn’t cook toast. My …

: I do not have the mental capacity today to try and find a creative way to include the word aluminium …

: I happily left Facebook and Instagram years ago. I want to leave Twitter too, but I just can’t …

: I’ve been having some pretty deep conversations with my kids recently. Now they are both in double …

: Tonight I had a couple of glasses of wine and then bought tickets to take the family to go and see …

: I really loved Tales of the Jedi, particularly the last two Ahsoka episodes. Star Wars is a huge …

: Passion One of the recurring themes of this little writing experiment so far has been my coming to terms …

: This year I bought (and played) a lot of board games, but so far I’ve not found a good way to …

: I’d consider becoming a politician if I could become the minister for self-doubt and …

: I still have three weeks of work before I finish up. Time is dragging along, every day slower than …

: I am watching a conversation on Slack between the editorial and sales teams. It’s already 100 …

: Absolutely devastated for my little girl, who is going to have to miss her first camp tomorrow …

: Last week a colleague told me she was pregnant. While congratulating her, I had an insight: Now that …

: I am currently trying to migrate my morning coffee from a latte to a long black. Short blacks are …

: I don’t care what you say I’m never calling it a “toot”.

: I’m listening to a playlist created by my 13 year old. It’s filled with rock from the 90s, peppered …

: 🎬 Am I going crazy or did Monsters Inc. have credits scenes playing out parts of the “play” they …

: I wish I was exempt from getting sick. I’ve been battling illness all week and it’s exhausting.

: I must be getting old because I was feeling daunted and overwhelmed by the idea of signing up to …

: Damn, the whole Twitter situation is just live-action car crash TV, isn’t it? I can’t look away. I …

: So today forced me to think about my admiration list: My wife, who is always an inspiration …

: Ironic enough for Alanis: My freelancer ABN - the licence that allowed me to operate a small …

: The PSVR2 is going to cost $879.95 in Australia. The disc PS5 will set you back $799. PS+, which is …

: Parenting a teenager: A poem At least we can feed the beast Flour, water, sugar, and yeast And he …

: I’m trying to figure out what the next chapter of my life should be about. My 20s were about …

: 🎲 had a pretty good month playing board games over October. The winning stats are well down from …

: My greatest achievement today was not throwing up. It took all of my energy to hold it in, but …

: Coming to the conclusion that the “Rising” board games are impossible to beat. Played almost a dozen …

: Spent today scanning in old photos and now I want Sydney to host the Olympics again.

: On Meta's disintegration I really liked this take from Ed Zitron on why Zuckerberg is a terrible CEO. But it was this part …

: A pretty spectacular moon over the house as I took the bins out tonight… 📷🌑

: It was so nice to have a warm, sunny day today. We are more than halfway through Spring and we were …

: Was straining the moisture out of some roast pumpkin in a tea towel. Strained so hard I popped a …

: It absolutely blew my mind last week when I randomly had my work Mac and my personal Mac running …

: Aussie Broadband and The BioVerse Group big winners at the 2022 Finder Innovation Awards The winners of the Finder Innovation Awards 2022 have been announced, with Aussie Broadband and The …

: Teenagers are so exhausting. It’s like having a toddler again, except he talks back every time.

: Playing Skyrim: The Adventure Game. Not gonna lie, it’s a bit of a learning curve with the kids. But …

: My Google Home is soon to be Google Home-less When the first smart speakers launched in Australia, I was so filled with excitement. I lusted for …

: It’s been a long time since a Friday afternoon beer went down as easily as that one. I think …

: The pain of weekday mornings Despite my children reaching an age that they are somewhat independent, they are still mostly …

: Sweet, sweet relief peppered with mild panic is apparently today’s emotional range.

: 🎲 Opening up the door and discovering my copy of the new Skyrim board game had been delivered was …

: No quick fixes for my middle-age malaise I’ve spent a fair amount of time today having deeper thoughts about being in my 40s and …

: Finished reading: Man Down by Matt Rudd 📚 This book helped. I feel a little less lost, though I’m …

: Listening to the cast recording of the Aussie Jesus Christ Superstar from the 90s for the first time …

: Gotta love a message from your bank at 11pm on a Saturday night saying your credit card may have …

: 📺 Now I’ve seen the season finale of Rings of Power, I’m really looking forward to rewatching the …

: With the sun shining for the first time in a while, I walked my daughter to and from school the past …

: Day in the life: Mt Annan, NSW Australia. Still can’t believe all this space is less than 5 minutes …

: 📺 That last episode of She-Hulk was weird. Was laughing all the way through it, but not sure how I …

: Thanks to a combo of public holidays, annual leave and illness, I haven’t worked a full week in a …

: I for one can’t wait to see the upcoming blockbuster from Marvel Studios, “Lad”. (Always love when …

: Finished reading: A Darkness at Sethanon (The Riftwar Saga, Book 3) by Raymond E. Feist 📚

: This captures a good chunk of my feelings on the Metaverse: It’s funny because VR is such a …

: The thing I can’t understand about the Metaverse is why. Why would anyone want to subject …

: Virtually blind Today my daughter brought home her prizes for school fundraising, which included an exceptionally …

: Finished reading: Silverthorn by Raymond E. Feist 📚

: The Ark Nova zoo is a little slow going, but I’m still out in front at the moment 🎲

: Just watched the latest She-Hulk, and gotta say Daredevil was fantastic. The banter, the action… it …

: From simplified tax software to environmentally-friendly retail packaging, these are the Finder Innovation Award finalists for 2022 Our expert judges have rated over 100 entries across 21 categories to determine the finalists for …

: Awesome trip out to Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo.

: I don’t think Google can launch a new successful product anymore. Surely the weight of its failures …

: Managed to go out to dinner with the wife (and without the kids) for the first time since March last …

: Creativity unlocked? How am I feeling right now? I’ve written a fair amount today. Nothing revolutionary – nothing that …

: Perseverance Today I had 1 meeting at work. It was designed to give me clear goals about what my role is supposed …

: Kids are finally at an age they can clean up after dinner. They don’t do a good job, but at least …

: EA is making an Iron Man game. it’s crazy that it took this long, given how awesome it felt to fly …

: Colleague pointed out I’d made the homepage of news.com.au yesterday. I’m the guy standing in the …

: Finished reading: Magician by Raymond E. Feist — have read this a few times, but I still really …

: Looks like Nintendo has found out how to take more of my money I have been holding off on the expanded Switch online offering since it launched. I just couldn’t …

: I have spent way to much time this week organising my Marvel Champions collection, only to discover …

: Just having one of those days when I have enough time to update to the newest version of iOS but not …

: I love the way The Mandalorian has captured all the great elements of Star Wars and managed to keep …

: Happily defeated Ungoliant’s Spawn with a little help from Gandalf and Aragorn. Second play through …

: I’m enjoying She-Hulk when I watch it, but it’s also really forgettable? If they didn’t sum up the …

: Episode one of Rings of Power was spectacular. Stunning visuals and a solid setup for what is set to …

: Watching a presentation where the slides have green buttons on a blue background and it offends my …

: Replaying the Batman Arkham games 🎮 I recently decided to replay the Batman Arkham games. Great decision - they hold up really well, …

: Parent/teacher interviews for the eldest this afternoon. Exciting times!

: Happy Father’s Day to me. Going to have a lot of fun with this I think. 🎲

: Started my Father’s Day with some Boba Fett waffles made by my daughter. This is the way. 🧇🥞

: For the past 2.5 years or so, we’ve been trying to watch every Disney movie since Snow White. It has …

: My improved recycling game There are a lot of things I like about living in the outer suburbs of Sydney. For example: Just last …

: The last couple of Muse albums didn’t really do it for me, but I’m digging this one 🎶:

: My indecision problem

There are now too many choices.

Whether it’s deciding what book I should read next, choosing the …

: I feel that the 4 day work week outlined here will be inevitable for some businesses, eventually. …

: Flashback to this stunning sunset at the Three Sisters.

: My learning to write again ✍️ I’m actually shocked at how hard I’m finding it to write. There was a time, a little over a decade …

: My mid-life crisis Early in the pandemic, I was looking for a new hobby. For the past couple of decades, I’ve …

: The best cleaning brands in the 2021/22 Finder Retail Awards Discover the best cleaning brands in Australia, as rated by real Australians in the Finder Retail …

: Entries for the 2022 Finder Innovation Awards are now open Celebrate your business's commitment to excellence by entering the 2022 Finder Innovation Awards, …

: Can’t believe this is all about to be over. What a place. #tasmania

: My body is ready. #bonjovitime

: Home.

: One last Fijian sunset. It’s been an amazing week. Nobody wants to leave…

: We went back to the fire dancing show tonight. Again, it was spectacular.

: Tonight, we dined at Fiji’s best* restaurant as a slightly delayed 10 year wedding anniversary …

: We’ve been super lucky with the weather here in Fiji this week. 🇫🇯

: My sunset was probably better than your sunset tonight.

: On Fiji time now 🇫🇯

: It’s a terrible photo, hastily taken, but goddamn Ben Folds was amazing at the Opera House. How one …

: Say 25’s beer 🍺 was another XPA. I’m guessing this one stood for Xmas Pale Ale. Merry Christmas 🎄 …

: The penultimate beer 🍺 was a super hoppy IPA. I can still taste it now, a good 15 minutes after I …

: Tonight’s beer 🍺 comes in second so far to the hazelnut dark beer 🍺 from my birthday. This raspberry …

: Day 22. A mighty fine lager.

: Yessssss. So close to done now!

: Disappointingly, the “X” in tonight’s beer 🍺 doesn’t stand for eXTREME, but “eXtra”. I wouldn’t say …

: Tonight’s beer was a bit cloudy, which was nice. Not sure why it’s called 69 though…

: An easy drinking pale ale tonight. Of course, most pale ales are pretty easy drinking, which I’m …

: I finished this beer and thought to myself, “Man, that beer is making me thirsty!” Considering I’d …

: Today’s beer 🍺 was hard earned. It also tasted pretty good; fruity and light.

: Today I sanded the walls in 2/3rds of the house, including a couple of walls that had been painted …

: Fresh carpet for the kids rooms. Before and after shots left to right. Looks soooo much better now!

: The first sip of tonight’s beer left me feeling a little underwhelmed, like a fine mist of water …

: I wasn’t overly fond of tonight’s beer. Felt maybe a tad over carbonated?

: Yet another pale ale, but this one was amazing. Hints of orange, with a really gentle taste. Wish I …

: The workers made a lot of noise today. First there was the grinding. Then there was the sawing. Then …

: And back on the pale ales… tonight’s was zesty and fresh, with a real hint of honey, but it …

: Bye bye tiles. Vinyl floors are incoming… tomorrow or the next day.

: Finally, FINALLY! A dark beer appears in my early-birthday-advent-calendar beer case. And man, this …

: Bye bye hideous brown carpet. Hello dirty concrete slab. Floor Reno has started, albeit slowly - …

: Another hard day moving furniture and I am honestly devastated that I don’t have another one of …

: After a hard day moving furniture, today’s beer 🍺 was 👌. Nothing fancy, just another pale ale, but …

: Its been a while since the last #bathroomreno update, largely because the stonemason cut the …

: Day 8’s beer was pretty good. Not as punchy as the label, but pretty solid. I am hoping for a bit …

: With a nice citrus touch, day 7’s beer 🍺 is remarkably easy to swallow. Has a really nice aftertaste …

: Today’s beer 🍺 is pure, unadulterated hoppiness. Not a typo - this one bounces with hops. It’s not …

: The photo of today’s beer came out blurry. I was going to go and take another shot of the empty …

: Day 4 is probably my favourite beer of the early-birthday-advent-case so far 🍺. Really dry and …

: Day 3’s brew is a fine tasting Golden ale, with plenty of citrus smells and flavour. Would drink …

: How good was her Star Wars cake today?

: Day 2 of the early-birthday-advent-calendar-beer-box. Easy, easy drinking with a friendly …

: An early birthday present in the form of a beer advent calendar. Expect 24 more of these shots 🍺🍻🍺. …

: Bye bye green laundry door. Looks like the #bathroomreno painting is done. Still don’t have a vanity …

: Today’s shots of the #bathroomreno are all pretty much yesterday’s shots, except with an extra layer …

: It’s pretty incredible how much difference a coat of paint makes for a #bathroomreno…

: Today was a day of prep work for what feels like the final push for the #bathroomreno. Cupboards …

: At the risk of jinxing things, I’m starting to feel like we’re getting close to the end game with …

: Latest updates to the #bathroomreno involve some final plaster work, finished PowerPoints and …

: We had a visit from the plaster fairy today during the #bathroomreno. Ceilings, cornices and walls …

: Grout is great. Greets the eye with grand grace and grabs your attention. 😁😁We’re getting close …

: If yesterday seemed like it was slower going, today was like the tiling gods themselves got busy. …

: Some super exciting developments in the #bathroomreno today. Among the shiny new bits we’ve …

: Yesterday the plumber plumbed and the sparky sparked, and now things are ready for the carpenters to …

: Walls? Where we’re going, we don’t need walls… #bathroomreno #byebyebathroom …

: 24 Hours from now and this bathroom will be gone. Yay! #bathroomreno #byebyebathroom

: “if trapped”…

: I think Billy is a good name for a Pelican. So meet Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy and …

: Ate some of the best fish and chips I’ve ever consumed in my life tonight, with this as the …

: Absolutely awful day. Terrible. The worst.

: Stunning sunset up here. #nofilter required

: The Forster-Tuncurry New Year’s fireworks were pretty fantastic, when it comes down to …

: Come for the company, stay for the pavlova. #christmas #pavbylachlan

: Merry Christmas everyone. #xmas #christmas

: I have 2 #starwars #rogueone premiere wristbands that I’m not sure come off so I’m …

: So ready… #starwars #rogueone #sydney

: Rogue one, standing by… #starwars #sydney #rogueone

: Playing #rawdata at #paxaus today with co-op VR on the #intel booth. It was incredible and epic and …

: Kind of loving the view from our #airbnb in Melbourne for #paxaus

: Finally starting to show his age. Celebrated his 10th birthday last month.

: A moment of silence for my Bon Jovi Cap, which broke yesterday about 6 weeks before it’s 21st …

: Let’s do this! #lukecage #netflix

: Random piano on the street. Kinda wish I could play.

: Great night with a great feed.

: My dinner was probably better than your dinner…

: #mozcon time! With the Finder crew

: This stunner is now comfortably digesting inside of me.

: Pretty awesome fountain sculpture.

: Nirvana. Pretty cool exhibit - crazy reading teenage letters from the band - they were just young, …

: Almost killed myself walking up here @damianfrancis, but the view is pretty awesome… :-)

: I call this one pointy needle and water ball

: Anyone need a guitar?

: Looks a little upset.

: Dude didn’t even get a shot off he was so slow…

: Pretty big wheel you’ve got there, Seattle

: Just a little bit of crab for dinner…

: Simultaneously gross and Cool at the same time… #gumwall

: Howdy, Seattle.

: Quite the sunset on the flight last night…

: Right-o Sydney. See you in a week.

: Well, I’m down here for work so I can’t not take a picture, can I?

: The old ‘dog getting a scratch on your lap’ selfie. It’s definitely a thing i …

: Farewell gift from the team. These guys are pretty alright…

: Pretty nice spot for an early BBQ dinner, don’t you think?

: Holy crap. Sooooooo did not expect this at all. #lizzies

: Dinner sounds pretty decent at the #lizzies

: Tonight… #lizzies #thelizzies #itjournoawards

: This just happened. Sorry, credit card… #imac #4k #retina #computers

: This guy had the cutest little squeak… #dubbo #westernplainszoo #cheetah

: Seems happy enough… #lion #dubbo #westernplainszoo

: Baby rhinos are the cutest rhinos. #dubbo #westernplainszoo #rhino

: Meerkats are awesome #dubbo #westernplainszoo #meerkat

: Good morning world #giraffe #dubbo #westernplainszoo

: Angry hippo is angry. #dubbo #westernplainszoo #hippo

: Nice propeller…

: The greatest raffle of our age. $50,000 worth of ham, people!

: Kiss kiss

: Good morning world

: And Santa hasn’t even arrived yet…

: This is happening #starwars

: Barefoot bowling xmas party… The venue really knows its clientele, doesn’t it?

: Office #revoglider time trial scores. Victory is mine.

: Sunday morning with dad take 3

: fajitas bbq

: Passed this handsome devil today walking home from the school pickup.

: Father’s Day breakfast from the beautiful wife.

: Ballin'

: Rediscovering the joy of UMDs #psp #gaming

: Just another day in the office

: Productivity

: Excited. #guitarhero #ghlive

: And done! But… Now what?

: The first smartphone that can capture and share smells will make a bajillion dollars. #smellssogood

: Before and after of today’s home maintenance job, cut short by the rain…

: Well, that was awesome. You can never not benefit from a cello… #davidgray

: Cos a roadie knows what a roadie knows… Getting ready for #davidgray at the State Theatre

: Bye bye #up24… I hardly knew you…

: The end result of tonight’s gin making at @archierosesyd - Gins ‘n’ Roses and …

: Makin' gin like a boss. Or a newb. #gin

: Getting some special cuddles with the dog tonight

: Simba came home from his little holiday at Nanna’s today too. Very happy to be back home

: Yep, that’s me all right.

: My dessert looks better than your dessert…

: Joys of parenthood… #Spotify #frozen #kids

: Thanks kids!

: You never really get tired of it, do you? #sydney

: It must be Xmas…

: Back at Sky Business talking gadgets for the last time this year. #businessclass

: See ya Friday, Sydney.

: Today’s effort, before and after. Still a lot to do though…

: This was dinner. The kids, naturally, ate little more than bread…

: Don’t forget to wear your hat, Simba.

: Rainbow!

: One of the 10 pairs of headphones I’ve had delivered today (and the most exciting so far) …

: Lovely. But dat black bar… #moto360

: Thanks Sydney…

: Yum #gentlemanjack

: Reason 6,523 I prefer working from home…

: 145 bottles of beer on the wall, 145 bottles of beer…

: First taste. It’s good!

: The beer bottle tree, right before I filled them with goodness…

: I can’t believe I’m not even drinking while I stain this bloody thing…

: And lo, the Bavarian Bock was born…

: It smells so good in here…

: Let the brewing begin!

: Oh, the local ducks have been busy



: Great seats!

: This is almost getting ridiculous… But not quite.

: Ooh, chocolate Iron Throne!!!

: Another shot from the @davematthewsband concert last night

: How many saxophones can you play at the same time? #dmbsydney

: Dave Matthews Band show last night. So good.

: Gary Clark Jnr…

: Oh, yes!

: Educating the boy, we are…

: Drinking beer with Bruce Lee on it. Awesome.

: Nice Mic…

: Lunchtime stroll

: Okay, I think I know what this launch is about…

: Sunset walk.

: CHAMPY CHUMPY IS CHEERY #samsungs5launch

: galaxys5launch starts with neon drums

: Intimate Kate Miller Heidke gig for work today. There could be worse jobs around, I guess.

: Yay , fog.

: Hello, again Sky Business

: Pulled out the old Cheers glass to trial the latest Mad Brewers beer…

: Finally stopped raining long enough to take a photo…

: So… Slow…

: New toy for the long weekend!

: Mmm, beer. #thefirstbrew

: A beer based off a porter that travelled with the first fleet to Australia. Not getting a commercial …

: At the launch of #thefirstbrew - it’s pretty damn good…

: Found some old Irish Punts, French Francs, Austrian schillings and more random, old, obsolete …

: Forgot all about these. Can’t believe it was almost 9 years ago…

: Damn. I was totally into cadets as a teenager, wasn’t I?

: I love the sense of horror I manage to portray at the notion of British beaches being rocks…

: I’m not sure I trust my 10 year old self’s judgment on a “monitor with excellent …

: Holy shit. Just found my travel diary from our 1990 round the world trip (I was 10). Can’t …

: And then there’s this: my 60-odd page hand written memoir penned during a particularly boring …

: I just discovered these two notebooks from my backpacking trip just over 15 years ago (shit …

: Not sure what @shaunprescott has against beer…

: Let’s finish this…

: Hello, faster internet!

: The weekend project… Still have a long way to go though, and my shoulders are knots…

: Hours later, I still feel like I’m about to explode. But the port helps… (merry Xmas!)

: So far so good, says Santa’s little helper…

: That’s a pretty big prayer to live on #bonjovi

: Work Xmas party :-)

: Yep, my next tv is definitely going to be 65 inches or above. And 4K.

: So I have 65 inches of 4K sitting in my lounge room, and no next gen consoles to take advantage of …

: This Kinder Surprise toy is supposed to be Padme Amidala from Star Wars. Mr 4 called it a monkey. I …

: New air conditioner is installed, but now I have some painting to do…

: It is a beautiful bridge…

: Now, to decide if I keep it or give it to Mr 4…

: The sun, it burns!!

: Visiting the ducks!

: Waiting for the bride #jenanddamoswedding

: Look at the happy couple #jenanddamoswedding

: Such a happy couple #jenanddamoswedding

: Married life #jenanddamoswedding

: Pre wedding shot #jenanddamoswedding

: Vow time #jenanddamoswedding

: Photos on the beach #jenanddamoswedding

: The waiting is making the groom a little antsy #jenanddamoswedding

: Sneak peak for Saturday, @interiorsaddict and @damianfrancis

: Mass Effect 2 with Jack on ice. Aaaahhhh….

: Good news, everybody. I’m drinking rum.

: Best moment of my life #glass

: Podium finish on the weekend. My purple shoulder blades are still celebrating.

: Lunch.

: Had to make a quick detour to a Telstra shop for a nano sim…

: Rocked up early to my iPhone briefing only to discover they’re running late

: Dad, by Mr 3.

: Happy boy enjoyed his walk tonight…

: 6-7!

: Ooh, kick off is coming. #bledisloe

: Not the Bledisloe

: Go Wallabies!

: No emu… :-(

: Fire!

: Yeah, I kinda like this camera…

: Loving the diversity at Fraser…

: From last night’s sunset shoot on Fraser Island…

: Room with a view

: How’s the serenity?

: Fraser Island

: Junketeering

: Wine. Aaah… #paxaus

: Any doctors out there want to tell me what the hell is wrong with my wrist?

: Using this thing is now going to be part of my job.

: Keeping the little princess safe…

: Awesome! I can finally start organising the buck’s party.

: Victory! Not even the Iraqis magic stretcher could save them! #gosocceroos

: Second half underway… #gosocceroos

: A fun toy to play with at the Socceroos match. It records! #gosocceroos

: All attack, all the time. #gosocceroos

: Let’s go Australia!

: Socceroos!

: Lucky for me, dinner was delectable

: Shame I don’t eat apple pie, babe.

: Super Simba #teamdog

: That’s a pretty big TV… #lg #lasertv

: New toy!

: Bit foggy today, isn’t it?

: Getting ready for TV time again

: Phil making nbn jokes

: Hello again, Sky Business News

: See, this is why I don’t garden…

: Hanging with Aunty

: Better than #NBN

: About to get my TV on talking smart watches

: Fun.!

: An unexpected visitor inside…

: My baby girl’s first inserts…

: The middle of nowhere for wine. And maybe some food.

: The view from the hotel ain’t half bad…

: Radelaide #rad

: This is not my plane.

: bb10 stuff.

: Dessert is served

: Prawns with jalapeno sauce. Yes, you may envy this meal…

: Wagyu!

: Volcano roll ftw

: Kingfish is delish.

: Course 2 (forgot to shoot course 1)

: Something fun to play with this week

: Threw another prawn on the barbie

: Bye bye wisdom teeth

: More Intel

: Intel ivy bridge launch

: I spent 4 hours in the kitchen cooking this beef and roasted garlic pie. It better taste as awesome …

: Fit for a two year old king. (What’s the bet he doesn’t eat the fish?)

: Go Phil! #lizzies

: Tastes like victory #lizzies

: Bus means I’m almost home

: Samsung smart tv launch

: Ghost dog

: Can’t look at them without thinking about 80s hair bands #roses #poison

: Fulfilling my son in law responsibilities by updating her MBP…

: Potato gratin. With bacon. Hope it tastes as good a it looks.

: You cannot imagine how good these smell!

: Simba’s had a good day

: Visitor

: Nice set…

: WiFi on a boat? Like.

: Crazy doggy

: Woof!

: Moonlight.

: Broken eggs of destruction

: Kensington giving the productivity spiel.

: Not a lot happening at Taree airport

: Lots and lots of stairs

: Bush walking!

: Feel like fishing

: Nice place for some lunch

: The kangaroos have come to watch the action

: How’s the serenity?

: Working hard or hardly working?

: Not a bad view

: Not a bad little beach hut

: I feel welcome too.

: Loving the old school propeller action

: That’s my plane!

: Flipboard achievement unlocked. Nice work @trevorlong

: Watching horses and stuff

: You can’t tell, but these cars are moving very fast.

: Stunning day for a drive around a track.

: About to hit the track

: Strath creek. Gorgeous.

: My chariot for today

: So many cobwebs on the barbecue, I felt like Indiana Jones just turning it on

: That’s a big Toughbook

: Art

: jenbishopsydney has bought @damianfrancis a present!

: I deserve this…

: “let me in!”

: Smiling or blinking?

: Drool

: Robots are taking over!

: So scruffy with all the rain

: Is there anything worse than wet socks in wet shoes?

: This has taken an age… Stupid slow old iMac

: Guess which one’s mine…

: Beautiful day at the park

: Holding arms at dinner

: You SHOULD be jealous

: Perfect

: Mmm…

: What I’m eating is better than what you’re eating

: Need more dupli

: Waffles!!

: A coffee that doesn’t cost $5.50

: Awesome view time

: Duck time

: Pork belly time!

: Wow

: Echoes time

: Coffee time

: Chess time

: Garden time

: Swim time

: Tea time

: Our #lizzies chariot

: Pre #lizzies drinks

: Rainbowish

: Almost time for the Grinners

: Tripping on a hole…

: Handing over the gizmod rukus

: Exhausted after his little holiday too

: Goodbye, cabin 37

: Found an awesome little gazebo in Milton…

: Wandering through Milton

: Roar.

: Hakuna matata, baby

: Best monkey mo ever

: Giraffes

: Lions

: Zoo time

: Beach holidays and red wine… Best mates.

: Our new friends the kangaroos

: Our new friend the possum

: Heading home after 1st week at the new office


: SMH links to Giz, but at what cost? Doncha love it how newspapers are always bitching about how blogs steal their content, yet have no …

: U Wish Saw this driving home the other week. Not quite the sexy car I’d expect with that kind of …

: Waiting for Transformers 2 screening Wow, it’s been 3 months since my last post. That’s pretty poor form. I’ll have to …

: 1st Wedding Anniversary, Kangaroo Valley

Last weekend saw Lauren and I celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. I know - how quickly did …

: Who's Your Daddy? (Me) Well, maybe not your Daddy, but a Daddy. That’s right - Lauren and I are having a baby! …

: So Much To Write About, So Little Time I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t neglected the Shuffle in recent weeks. There’s …

: What Exactly is a Wookie Cookie? The question is: What exactly is in a Wookie Cookie? Bantha Fodder? Cream of Ton-Ton? Jar-Jar Binks? …

: Finally! The new bookshelf has been delivered and installed It took about a month, but I’ve finally got our new bookshelf. It’s massive. Now I just …

: The Ubuntu Expedition This week, I found myself without a decent working loaner laptop for the first time in a long time. …

: Thoughts From The Big Day Out 2009 Yesterday Lauren and I headed over to the Big Day Out, courtesy of HP (who had a stand at the …

: Another Giz Milestone So this week marked my one year anniversary at the helm of Gizmodo… and what a year it has …

: Star Wars Retold By Someone Who's Never Seen The Films [vimeo vimeo.com/2809991] I love this. It completely made my Friday.

: Finally, A New Study Worth Working In We spent the better part of the past week painting the study. While it’s still not the perfect …

: Looking Back At 2008 On the last day of 2008, I thought it would be prudent to sit back and look at the year that’s …

: Who Will Watch Me Watching The Watchmen?

So I turned 29 last week, and one of the presents my lovely wife gave me to celebrate my slow and …

: Where The Hell Did All The Guiter Hero Bundles Go? What’s the deal, Activision? I’ve been looking for Guitar Hero: World Tour (full band kit) for the …

: 8 Months After Our Wedding, We've Finally Paid It Off Today is a good day for us. After 8 months or so, we’ve finally paid off our wedding. It was …

: Last Week... … I past the 1000 post mark on Gizmodo Australia. It was such a momentus occasion that I …

: How I Organised My Workload And Emptied My Inbox

things-picTime management is not my strong point. Organisation is not my strong point. Keeping my inbox under …

: Homebrew Disasters: Exhibit 5... I’ve been brewing my own beer for almost two years now (my original kit was given to me for …

: Stephen Conroy Wants To Kill The Internet. We Can't Let Him I finally managed to get my thoughts together long enough to write a post on the Rudd …

: Damn! The Internets Are <em>Slow</em> at 64kbps So slow! It seems I exceeded my peak-time download limit this month, and now I’m paying the …

: If I Ever Meet Someone Who Works On Timetables For Cityrail, I'm Going To Kick Them In The Shins. Hard. I have just hopped on a train at Central after waiting for 32 minutes on the platform. At least, …

: Say Hello To My New TV Last week, we had our brand new, 50-inch Panasonic plasma delivered and installed. When I say …

: The Force Unleashed: Awesome [youtube=www.youtube.com/watch I just finished playing The Force Unleashed on Xbox 360. When I say …

: And The Home Theatre Setup Begins... We had our TV cabinet delivered last weekend. It looks great. Even better is that we went out and …

: The Perfect Hot Totty Recipe

The perfect Hot Totty

The past couple of weeks have been tough – From Hong Kong to Sarah’s Birthday to the …

: Airline Security Has Gone Beyond Stupid On my way home from Hong Kong this week (I was there for an HP conference), Lauren asked me to pick …

: Birds Of Tokyo At Wollongong Uni

Last night, Lauren and I made the long trip down to Wollongong to see Birds of Tokyo. Aside from …

: Poor Simba! Today has been a struggle. Hell, every Monday is a struggle, but this weekend was harder than most. …

: Seinfeld's Microsoft Ad Hits The Intertubes www.youtube.com/watch There seems to be a real split in opinions over this ad. I like it – probably …

: Up Yours Door-to-Door Internet Salesman! Last night at about 7:30pm, there was a knock on the door. Naturally the dog sprang up and I forced …

: Not Enough Sense To Make Change Funny thing happened to me yesterday: Lauren and I had decided to try a new recipe for dinner …

: R.I.P.: Leroi Moore (1961-2008)

Those who know me well are aware that I’m one of a few thousand Australians who are huge Dave …

: Making the move to Wordpress So, hello from The Broughall Shuffle. I’ve just finished importing my previous …

: So sick of painting... For the past two weekends, I’ve been painting the loungeroom. I would have been done after the …

: Now What Am I Going To Do? The latest batch of homebrew (a Bock) has been bottled, and is now waiting for that magical process …

: N is Here Stephen King has teamed up with Marvel to create a webcomic of one of his short stories. The result …

: StreetView's Privacy Concerns Blatantly Overstated In The Media I had a rant the other day on Giz about Google’s new StreetView service. Basically it was in …

: Come on Aussie, Come on! How frustrating! Imagine training your ass off for 10 years to make it to the Olympic Games, only to …

: Go Chappo! At 7:40pm Australian Eastern Standard Time on Sunday 10 August 2008, an old school friend of mine by …

: OMG! I wish there were more hours in the day Wow – I knew it had been a long time since I updated here… but a full month? I guess that …

: Go The Tahs! For the second time since the inception of the Super 12 Rugby competition (and its migration to the …

: Taking a Leak With Glenn A Baker and Jack Thompson I was fortunate enough to get a single pass to the premiere of the new Indiana Jones movie last week …

: Teeth Aren't Cheap Normally I don’t have a problem at the dentist. The drilling, the grinding, the …

: I Am Iron Man Finally saw Iron Man on Saturday afternoon. If you haven’t seen it already, get out to the …

: I'm SO Excited! Oh. My. God. It’s about time. Today, Vodafone announced that they’re launching the …

: A Weekend of Lobster, Lindt and Corned Beef It was a pretty busy weekend, which started with dinner on Friday night with mum, Matt and Lauren …

: What a pile of crap! Look at this dog. Does this look like the kind of dog that would greet you in the morning with pile …

: The house is clean What an exciting weekend. Lauren and I cleaned. Really cleaned. The house has been neglected for so …

: Well, So much for daily... I discovered last week that although I “blog” for a living these days, trying to find …

: A mixed bag of a weekend, really As far as weekends go, there wasn’t too much to get excited about this one just gone. Lauren …

: I'm so tired... Thank God it’s Friday! I’m exhausted. It’s been a hard week all around, trying to …

: My favourite Wedding photos I’ve been going through the wedding photos, and trying to narrow down my favourite shots. …

: What a fun day! I saw the new work office today – it’s got three balconies and an awesome view of the Harbour …

: The death of Fiji Time... I’ve been back at work for two days now, and am longing for Fiji Time. It’s hard to …

: Flying High - tomorrow at least! So we leave tomorrow. It’s a funny feeling really. We’ve been counting down the number of days until …

: Three days to go Hi all. I’ve always been intrigued by blogging, and thought that our world holiday would be a …