I discovered last week that although I “blog” for a living these days, trying to find something interesting every day in my own life was a struggle. There’s only so many times that you can say, “I woke up, did the feed for Gizmodo, wrote some local stories, cooked dinner and went to bed”, and even fewer times that it’s actually interesting. So, this will probably become more like a real diary, where I chronicle the exciting events in my life.

The weekend was one such event. It started on Friday with the IT Journalism awards. An. Absolute. Farce.

I’m not saying it wasn’t a good night, but the fact that neither Giz or Kotaku was a finalist for “Best New publication”, when the award went to Gamespot AU (which was relaunched last year) and Playstation Magazine (which was just Playstation 2 magazine rebranded) was a finalist justifies my opinion. I mean, I know they lost our entry, but we resubmitted, so they should have counted us. It’s not like they can rule us out because we use licensed content – so does Gamespot AU. I’d say it’s more that they lost our entry, but by the time they let us know, they’d already judged. I won’t deny I’m disappointed – I don’t think I deserve any accolades myself, but the site is doing so well that I don’t think people can ignore us anymore.

Anyway, after a few drinks and a late train home, I got over it (no really, I did. That last paragraph was written by someone else). Saturday was a nicer day, with Kristie and Ben’s wedding.

It was a beautiful ceremony down at Cronulla (not on the beach). The light was fantastic – if their photographer is as good as I thought he was, then they are going to have some fantastic photos, plus some shots from me, like the one above. The reception was beautiful – they did a ceremony like the candle ceremonyt we did, except instead of candles they poured sand from their home towns into a single vase. It was very much them, and very touching.

The reception was equally fun, although I was a designated driver and I was surrounded by drinkers. I’m so jealous of the fact that they’re having a 3 week honeymoon as well – I would have killed for 3 weeks in Fiji!

Sunday, understandably, was a write-off. Even though I didn’t drink, two late nights in a row really took it out of me I must be getting old.

I’ll post some more pics from Kristie and Ben’s wedding soon.