
  • Can’t believe this is all about to be over. What a place. #tasmania

    A glass of wine looking on a spectacular Tasmanian sunset
  • My body is ready. #bonjovitime

    A stage getting set up ready for Bon Jovi to perform as a crowd begins to gather
  • Home.

    A house with a ripped up front driveway, piles of dirt and ripped up grass and a large puddle.
  • One last Fijian sunset. It’s been an amazing week. Nobody wants to leave…

    Sunset over a beach in Fiji, with palm trees swaying in the breeze
  • We went back to the fire dancing show tonight. Again, it was spectacular.

    A Fijian firedancer with sparks flying in the background
  • Tonight, we dined at Fiji’s best* restaurant as a slightly delayed 10 year wedding anniversary celebration. It was magnificent. The food was divine, the service amazing, the wildlife exquisite (including the reef sharks and sea snakes that came up to say hello) and the company… well, she makes any situation special, but tonight was perfection.

  • We’ve been super lucky with the weather here in Fiji this week. 🇫🇯

  • My sunset was probably better than your sunset tonight.

    A young girl playing in the sand on a Fijian beach, with a clear blue sky.
  • On Fiji time now 🇫🇯

    A spectacular Fijian sunset with a range of colurs in the sky
  • It’s a terrible photo, hastily taken, but goddamn Ben Folds was amazing at the Opera House. How one man and a piano can take you from hysterical laughter to the verge of tears in a few short tracks is something I’ll never understand, but willingly experience again and again.

    Blurry shot of Ben Folds playing piano at the Sydney Opera House
  • Say 25’s beer 🍺 was another XPA. I’m guessing this one stood for Xmas Pale Ale. Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone.

  • The penultimate beer 🍺 was a super hoppy IPA. I can still taste it now, a good 15 minutes after I finished drinking it. Probably a good time to point out how awesome it is to have a fresh beer to try every night. Great gift!!

  • Tonight’s beer 🍺 comes in second so far to the hazelnut dark beer 🍺 from my birthday. This raspberry wheat beer was more like a tart mineral water, but delicious and sweet and oh so good. Would definitely recommend it.

  • Day 22. A mighty fine lager.

  • Yessssss. So close to done now!

  • Disappointingly, the “X” in tonight’s beer 🍺 doesn’t stand for eXTREME, but “eXtra”. I wouldn’t say it was eXcessively good, but it was a tasty pale ale.

  • Tonight’s beer was a bit cloudy, which was nice. Not sure why it’s called 69 though…

  • An easy drinking pale ale tonight. Of course, most pale ales are pretty easy drinking, which I’m guessing is why they are so popular.

  • I finished this beer and thought to myself, “Man, that beer is making me thirsty!” Considering I’d spent the whole day painting, I expected the beer to quench my thirst. Upon reading the label, I discovered that they added salt to the beer for flavour. I can’t say it tasted salty, but it did make me thirsty.

  • Today’s beer 🍺 was hard earned. It also tasted pretty good; fruity and light.