As far as weekends go, there wasn’t too much to get excited about this one just gone. Lauren and I did a spot of shopping on Saturday before heading in to watch the Waratahs demolish the Blues (thanks Sarah!). It was a good match, although I was blown away by the fact that Greg Growden (the Sydney Morning Herald’s Chief Rugby journo) kept coming to sit down behind the posts. Maybe he just loves the atmosphere of the cheap seats?

Sunday we went in to the Red Bull Flugtag. We were both completely underwhelmed. Firstly, there were so many people around that you couldn’t actually get somewhere close enough to see. Then there was the food – expensive, small servings and less than appetising stall food. Finally, the fact that I need a bigger zoom lens on my camera – there’s nothing like going to an event where you’re a long way away from the action to remind you of your lens inadequacies… Oh, and Tim Bailey. God that guy annoys the crap out of me.

We’ve got Kristie and Ben’s wedding next weekend. It should be good, but I am a little bit worried about the night before – I’ve got to go and represent Giz at The Lizzies. I reckon we’ve got a really good chance of winning this year. Hopefully I’ll get to come home with a statue of a frilled-neck lizard…