I wrote a thing on Linked about Pedestrian’s decision to shutter Gizmodo (and other titles). Because I don’t trust the algorithm, I’m going to post it here as well:

Some memories fade with time. Others stand out, clear despite the intervening years.

I remember my 28th birthday vividly, because it was the day I got the Editor’s job at Gizmodo Australia.

I had reached out to Chris Janz, and we had a morning coffee to discuss whether or not I might be a good fit for the role. We had a great conversation, and before I left Chris had offered me the job.

It was, without a doubt, my easiest job interview ever, because it felt less like an interview and more like a coffee with an old friend, even though I’d never met Chris before.

It was a birthday present that gave me some fantastic experiences, some huge career learnings, and so many future opportunities.

I was at Gizmodo when I got married (three months after I started. I was there when my son was born.

Even after I left the role, Allure Media was an important part of my life - I guest-edited the site from Westmead hospital when my daughter was born months before she was due. Another father with a baby in NICU recognised me from Gizmodo as I wrote about the latest gadgets and tech culture in the waiting room.

For years, Gizmodo was not just my career, it was also how I identified myself. I was Gizmodo, and Giz was me. And while that part of my life and career is past, today’s news is a massive blow. I feel like I’ve lost a close friend or a family member.

I hope all those more directly impacted by this land on their feet. I’m a fair way removed from the current teams over there, but my DMs are open if I can help in any way.