So we leave tomorrow.

It’s a funny feeling really. We’ve been counting down the number of days until we go on this trip for at least 12 weeks. It’s been our mantra to get us through each day – 10 weeks, two days… nine weeks 5 days. To think that we’re hopping on that plane tomorrow is kind of unrealistic.

I’m 98 percent packed – just need to throw in my razor tomorrow morning. Lauren has all her stuff together, we just need to pack it all nice and neatly in her suitcase. She had to say goodbye to the kids at work yesterday and today, and apparently they all got a bit upset when she said she was leaving for five weeks. We’re going to send photos from Disneyland to her work so they can print them off and show them to the kids.

The flight is at 2:45 pm, flying United. We’ll be getting there pretty early, so hopefully we’ll get some good seats. Be brilliant if we got bumped up a class, but considering tomorrow is the first day of discounted ticket prices, I really doubt it will happen.

Well, better get going. Next time I post, I’ll be in another country. Hope you’re all good and jealous. :)

