What’s the deal, Activision? I’ve been looking for Guitar Hero: World Tour (full band kit) for the Xbox 360 for about three weeks now, and it’s sold out everywhere. Not only that, but apparently stores aren’t getting the next delivery until January. Meanwhile, you can pick up a full-band Rock Band at pretty much any store you walk into…

Now, I did a fair bit of research before deciding what I wanted, and I decided on the 360 GH:WT because you can a) play Rock Band on the GH Instruments and b) there is sooooo much more downloadable content for both games on the 360 as opposed to the PS3. Is it possible that everybody else in Australia looking for some full-band gaming action over Xmas thought the same thing?

In any case, it looks like this Christmas will be without any Guitar Hero action in our house, and I can’t tell you just how heartbreaking that is…