Yesterday I went to see Apple PR to tell them all about the new website.

When I arrived, I was asked to sign in on a gorgeous 24-inch iMac. They have a custom screen with two big boxes so you can sign in as a guest or as a courier, and I walked over and obnoxiously tapped on the box that said “Guest” with my finger.

Nothing happened. So I did it again.

It was at this point that I realised I was using an iMac.

iMacs have never had a touchscreen.

Embarrassed, I used the mouse and entered my details. It told me I would get a badge when my contact came to officially sign me in.

So I waited, and eventually the Apple team member I was meeting came out, walked me over to the iMac, and then touched the same sign-in box on the screen I had pressed.

We laughed about it.

But yeah, the iMac should probably have a touchscreen.