How frustrating! Imagine training your ass off for 10 years to make it to the Olympic Games, only to have a hardware malfunction ruin your first opportunity.

Yesterday that happened to Chappo my old school mate who’s rowing for Australia in Beijing at the moment. The Men’s VIII was struck with a faulty rudder and at the 750 mark (of a 2,000 metre race) essentially had to stop rowing, missing out on the direct route to the finals.

The good news is that they kept rowing and finished the race, meaning that they qualify for the repecharge today and can still make the finals. Needless to say, we’re all rooting for you Chappo, you big spader.

UPDATE: The Men’s VIII came in second in the repecharge, making it through to the final. Go for Gold Chappo!

UPDATE II: The boys came last in the final – Still stoked you made it that far Chappo, See you in 2012!