The past few weeks have been hectic. I’ve been all over the place mentally, and things have changed fairly quickly.

A quick summary:

  • I got sick. Like, sicker than I’ve been in a long time. It took two courses of antibiotics to get me on the mend. Even then, the cough lingered, and I had to go get an X-ray to make sure I didn’t have pneumonia.
  • After that second course of antibiotics, I was doing better. Which is just as well, as we had to drive down to Melbourne to take Kara to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child before it finished. And then drive back.
  • Before that, though, in the height of my illness, I had a message from the CEO of Compare Broadband asking for a chat. We caught up a few days later when I could talk, and that chat led to a part-time job offer a day or two later as Head of Publishing. Which I accepted.
  • Having a part-time role helps alleviate some financial challenges of launching BTTR. I’ve been pushing the new site for six months with practically no income, and eating a bit into our savings. Now we can cover our costs, and I can potentially invest a little more into BTTR as well.
  • Through all that, we’ve been parenting the kids during school holidays.
  • Last night we went to see Beaty and the Beast: The Musical. It was fantastic.

So yeah, it’s been pretty busy.