Hi all. I’ve always been intrigued by blogging, and thought that our world holiday would be a great reason to start one up. This will give us a chance to share our wonderful experiences with all of you, as well as some photos and videos, and give you guys a chance to comment on it, like telling us all how jealous you are. It may work or it may fail miserably, but I’m gonna give it a go anyhow. So we leave in three days, and we’re pretty well right to go. Lauren still has to finalise exactly what she’s taking, but we sorted through her clothes last night and she did pretty well cutting it all back. It isn’t easy packing for five weeks, and to her credit she didn’t get all upset when I told her to cut things out. After I’m done writing this, I’ll probably go about packing my own bag. It’s weird to think that it’s just three days to go now, especially seeing as how I’ve been counting down the days for nearly 10 weeks. Still, I don’t think Saturday can come soon enough. In case you weren’t aware of the exact details of our trip, we leave on Saturday for Disneyland, where we have five nights staying in the Disneyland Hotel and a four day pass to the park. We then fly to Dublin, where we’re staying two night before hiring a car and driving around Ireland. Not exactly sure where we’ll end up there, but one thing we are doing is visiting the ruins of the Broughall Castle. After eight days on the road, we return to Dublin for a night before flying to Paris, where we’ll stay for five nights. On one night in the French capital, we have a tour of sorts that includes dinner at the Eiffel Tower, followed by a cruise on the Seine, followed by a show at the Moulin Rouge. It cost a pretty penny, but we’re both sure it will be worth the money. So after five nights in Paris we’re hopping on the TGV for Nice, where we stay three nights, then it’s off to Venice for four nights. Then, a short flight down to Rome for three nights, before we take an overnight tour down through Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento and Capris, before returning to Rome for one last night. Then, the next day, we fly home. It’s going to be a pretty rushed five weeks, but there were so many places we thought we just had to visit. Anyway, better get back to doing the important things, like packing. Cheers Nick