I feel very much over it all today.

Had a phone call from a recruiter last week about a role. She was lovely and suggested I make a number of edits to my CV to better suit the role.

3 hours of updates later, I sent it off and received good feedback.

This morning she called to say that the client wasn’t interested.

Three hours of work for a job I’m well qualified for, all for nothing.

It’s been relentless. I’ve applied for around 100 roles in the past 7-8 months, and I can’t seem to land anything. It’s exhausting. It drains my motivation for everything – I’ve stopped exercising, have no energy to build BTTR, and feel like shit all the time.

Our savings are mostly gone now, so there’s a huge amount of financial pressure starting to apply as well.

Something has to give, and honestly, I think my mental health is about to crack.