A Weekend of Lobster, Lindt and Corned Beef
It was a pretty busy weekend, which started with dinner on Friday night with mum, Matt and Lauren and Aunty Sue and Uncle Curl. We went down to the Italian restaurant near mum’s place – she had a hankering for lobster after I sent her the picture to the left there.
The food was lovely, although the service was a little slow. I didn’t have the lobster myself (instead had veal with king prawns in a garlic and chilli sauce), it didn’t live up to the expectations mum had. Not surprising, really.
After dinner we went back to mum’s place, which was nice but for the cigarette smoke. Considering everyone but Lauren, myself and Curl were smokers, there was a thick haze of it throughout the house. Thank god there isn’t a smoke detector in the lounge room, is all I can say!
Saturday I woke up with an absolutely horrendous headache. Part of me thinks it may have been the firefighting from the night before. In any case, I felt terrible all day, which sucked big time because Lauren and I had planned to go and see Iron Man. Instead, I sat on my backside and did nothing while my head played drums on my brain. Unpleasant.
On the upside, I felt better on Sunday and Lauren and I took Lyn out to the Home Show. Saw way too much stuff that we can’t afford there, but it was nice to go and not have to work. Afterwards, we wandered over to the Lindt cafe for iced chocolates / Mochas coffees, before heading home to cook Corned Beef for dinner.
So another weekend of eating. Not a bad way to live if you ask me.