Work stuff

  • How L.A. Noire Conquered The Uncanny Valley With Aussie Technology Depth Analysis (Gizmodo Republish)

    With the shuttering of Gizmodo Australia, I’m pulling a few of my favourite articles over here for safekeeping. Hopefully this won’t upset any of the Copyright Gods, as I don’t own the Copyright. But given the current owners are shuttering the publication I want to make sure this stuff isn’t lost … read more

  • Red Dead Redemption Hands On: So I Want To Be A Cowboy (Gizmodo republish)

    With the shuttering of Gizmodo Australia, I’m pulling a few of my favourite articles over here for safekeeping. Hopefully this won’t upset any of the Copyright Gods, as I don’t own the Copyright. But given the current owners are shuttering the publication I want to make sure this … read more

  • Thoughts on the end of Gizmodo Australia

    I wrote a thing on Linked about Pedestrian’s decision to shutter Gizmodo (and other titles). Because I don’t trust the algorithm, I’m going to post it here as well: Some memories fade with time. Others stand out, clear despite the intervening years. I remember my 28th birthday … read more

  • I just published my 100th product review on BTTR. Gonna have a little party on my own tonight to celebrate.

  • Google Search is shit

    I have to admit that the inspiration for this post is anger. Pure unadulterated rage. As many would know, last year I launched my own product review site, I’ve been working hard at trying to make it great, I’ve experimented with some things (including AI content), and have … read more

  • Somebody in Canada has come to BTTR, viewed 24 pages and clicked on 88 different affiliate links in one session. Because they are Canadian, they aren’t going to convert. They have, however, stuffed up my performance metrics for the week.

  • I have so much work to do, but feel completely shattered today. Productivity is a struggle.

  • Words cannot express my disdain for Facebook.

    I deleted my Facebook account back in 2019 or so, and have not regretted the decision at all. The feed was always full of crap I didn’t care about, I never posted and any connection with my “friends” wasn’t actually meaningful. But, in order to try to push BTTR along, I set … read more

  • Went to set up a bunch of home security cameras for review and one of them requires professional installation. Not sure I’ll be getting that one done any time soon, unfortunately.

  • This CMS is potentially the most frustrating piece of crap I have ever worked with. It was clearly designed with absolutely zero input from anyone who would have to use it.

    I am literally wasting hours to do what should be the most basic of tasks.

  • Feeling frustrated

    There’s this one PR agency with a few big tech clients that I’ve been chasing to get on the media lists since the start of the year. Different people, different clients, but I am yet to receive a release without having to chase them. They promise they have added my details (again, … read more

  • Words cannot capture my disdain for GA4. It’s ridiculous how shitty the experience is.

  • First flight since about 2019. Heading down to Melbourne for the new job.

  • My first big BTTR hurdle

    I had my first big setback on BTTR over the weekend. Amazon decided to close my Associates account. There were a couple of reasons given. The first was that my links weren’t clear, which I disagree with and am not sure what they meant. The second was that they saw purchases from family, … read more

  • BTTR Weekly update 12 April

    And so, it is that at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon I pick myself up, dust myself off, and try to remember the week that was. School holidays really take it out of me. Even though the kids typically take care of themselves for the most part, finding motivation for anything is tough. But, all things … read more

  • BTTR weekly update 29 March

    By the end of last week I was just about cooked, I have to be honest with you. I ended up spending Friday playing video games to reset my brain a bit. It worked, though. This week has been much better for me, despite some illness floating around the house. A couple of noteworthy developments over … read more

  • BTTR weekly update 22 March

    So, last week was a bit of a struggle. After having a bit of an existential crisis around the decision to work on BTTR, I took a step back and decided I needed to reprioritise. The catalyst was revenue, unsurprisingly. I was halfway through prepping a page on the best projectors in Australia, when I … read more

  • BTTR Weekly update 15 March

    I have to tell you, I was struggling at the start of this week. I’ve been pumping out pages for this site for about 2 months now, and while I’m starting to get into the swing of publishing content, I’m also conscious that things aren’t moving very fast. I knew it would take time. I knew it would be … read more

  • BTTR Weekly update 7 March

    I’m definitely running late on publishing the weekly update this week. It’s been a crazy few days, including my daughter getting prepped for high school and a realisation of a major challenge with the site’s setup that I’ll detail in another post. As for last week… well, it was okay. I got thrown … read more

  • I am really going to miss this TV when it gets collected.