Random things

  • The house is clean

    What an exciting weekend. Lauren and I cleaned. Really cleaned. The house has been neglected for so long, what with the wedding and everything, that there was a stench permeating the very pores of the walls. Now, that’s gone, (hence Mr Sparkle above). I mean, you know your house hasn’t … read more

  • A mixed bag of a weekend, really

    As far as weekends go, there wasn’t too much to get excited about this one just gone. Lauren and I did a spot of shopping on Saturday before heading in to watch the Waratahs demolish the Blues (thanks Sarah!). It was a good match, although I was blown away by the fact that Greg Growden (the … read more

  • I'm so tired...

    Thank God it’s Friday! I’m exhausted. It’s been a hard week all around, trying to get back into the swing of things after Fiji time. There have bee a couple of late nights this week (Canon event, Lauren had a work event last night), and the early mornings for Giz have taken their … read more