Random things

  • Damn Christmas is so freaking exhausting. I’m shattered.

  • Oh! Today, randomly, I discovered my old blog. Well, one of them, anyway. I have now migrated it over here.

    Just need to find some time to fix up the linking and images. But it was fun to read some of that old stuff!

  • Gave up on trying to document the Lego Advent calendars. Had a couple of busy days and then forgot.

    Maybe next year.

  • Hilariously just woke myself from an afternoon nap with a loud snore.

  • No wonder I’m tired.

  • Lego Advent calendars Day 6 (a day late!)

    Oops. Yesterday I forgot to post pics of the Lego Advent calendars. Partially because I was so disappointed with the Guardians set – it was another day of nothing. Just a box of random nothing. Fortunately, Star Wars kept me keen with what I now know is the Bad Batch’s shuttle, the … read more

  • Yesterday I started doing something that ended up taking me all of yesterday and most of today.

    It meant I didn’t really relax or doing anything fun. Going to have to make up for that tomorrow.

  • See, this is the kind of thing that just makes me appreciate Lego even more.

    The Complete, Surprising Eight Year History Of LEGO’s Poop Piece feeds.gizmodo.com.au/~/7210737…

  • Yesterday I was feeling inspired and bought a nice roast lamb for tonight’s dinner. Today though, I have very little motivation to actually cook it up. 

    But I have kids to feed, so off to the kitchen I go.

  • I went to the shops for the first time in ages today, and I think I inadvertently made an emotional commitment to buying a new Sonos Arc soundbar.

  • I’ve decided I need to do more writing for myself and my own pleasure. This little blog is a key part of that plan, but most days I find myself lost for ideas.

    So a question: What is your writing ritual? What do you do to help you commit to composing prose regularly?

  • I didn’t even realise I had a shallow graze along the side of my thumb until I applied the hand sanitiser.

    Then I knew. Oh, how I knew.

  • Yesterday was such a big day I’ve been little more than a vegetable today, lounging around without any energy. I would have loved to put Saturday on repeat, but I just don’t have it in me.

  • I used to think I would one day write a great novel, but these days I feel I’m probably not creative enough.

    Then again, maybe that’s the burnout talking. Who knows what the coming years will bring?

  • Years ago I went on a tour of the Bundaberg Rum distillery. I came home with this barrel full of rum, but it was all absorbed into the wood or evaporated before I could drink it.

    Now the barrel sits on a shelf drying out, unused.

    Still looks good though.

  • When the power goes out

    This morning I woke to a complete blackout. No power at all. The kids couldn’t cook toast. My espresso machine was useless. My wife had to boil water in a saucepan on the gas stove to have her cup of tea. It wasn’t just us, either. The entire street was without electricity. Turns out … read more

  • I do not have the mental capacity today to try and find a creative way to include the word aluminium in a post. So you get this fairly lazy attempt instead.

  • I happily left Facebook and Instagram years ago. I want to leave Twitter too, but I just can’t stop myself from opening up that horrendous bird app to watch the implosion.

  • Passion

    One of the recurring themes of this little writing experiment so far has been my coming to terms with my life as it is versus my life as I thought it might be. Or, put another way, I’ve been trying to answer the question: “Why have I been feeling like crap for so long? Is it the fact I’ve hit middle … read more

  • I’d consider becoming a politician if I could become the minister for self-doubt and procrastination. You’ve got to play to your strengths, right?