Finally caught up on Rings of Power season 2. While a few moments made me cringe at just how much they tried to imitate scenes from the films, I still thoroughly enjoyed the show. Wish I didn’t have to wait for season 3 though!
So here’s something fun: I took the data I collected from my massive SIM mobile plans comparison table and pivoted the info to look at some different angles.
Factoring in current discounts, this is the average price per day across all plans, by provider.
I really like robot vacuums, but sometimes the mapping software makes me want to go on a rampage.
What do you mean I can’t split the room because it’s “too small”? That’s my ensuite, you bastard, and I want it separate so you don’t go mopping its floor before you clean the rest of my house.
I am 95% confident that my own personal hell would just be the devil forcing me to repack robot vacuum review units.
I’ve spent today driving my wife around to appointments and we ended up over at Macquarie University. It’s been over 21 years since I graduated and every fibre in my body is overcome with a feeling somewhere between déjà vu and nostalgia. Like I should remember it more than I do…
I’ve been struggling a fair bit recently, but managed a nice bushwalk down at Minnamurra on Sunday. It was a perfect day for it, and helped me manage my stress significantly.
But that was Sunday. Monday has a funny way of undoing Sunday’s good work…
I’ve been getting more and more frustrated with AI-generated slop recently, but these images produced by the OPPO Reno12 for my review have just pushed me over the edge.
Why does this crap exist? Who wants it? I can’t understand why companies are pushing it.
Here’s the source image:
Was playing around earlier this week and broke my BTTR email. Trying to get it back online – if you sent me an email in the past 2-3 days, I probably didn’t get it…
I’ve spent the past few hours listening to Nintendo Music and I have to say, the urge to go and play Nintendo is strong.
Does anybody understand Bing?
Since I’ve moved to Ghost, I get no traffic from Bing. Sitemaps are all setup in Webmaster tools and everything seems fine, except that I haven’t figured out a way to setup IndexNow on Ghost (Pro).
I know Bing is rubbish and small, but I would love to solve this.
Wow. This is an entirely unsurprising, yet still depressing read on Google and its search results.
Google is so, so broken.
So after finishing Jedi Survivor last week, I decided to move straight into Star Wars: Outlaws. It’s been a bit slow to start, but I’m actually really okay with that. I like exploring, and trying to discover things on my own, rather than chasing icons on a map.
Holy shit Disney. I knew this was coming, but I still wasn’t prepared for a $40 a year price increase.
Not worth it!
I think my old Logitech K760 portable keyboard is soon to be headed for the great tech scrapheap… It’s flashing angry red lights at me and was completely dead the other day. I’ve had a good 10+ years using it, so I guess I can’t be too upset.
I have been struggling all day (and a bit of last week if I’m honest) to pull together my review of the Fetch TV Mini G5 streaming box. It just keeps kicking my butt. I can’t seem to get my thoughts aligned on this one, and it’s killing me…
Last week was a battle between ambition and existential insignificance, and I didn’t really accomplish too much. I’m hoping this week will be a bit better.
I’m three episodes in to season 2 of Rings of Power (we rewatched the first season to remember what happened) and loving it. I love how the sense of impending doom never really leaves.
I finally finished Jedi Survivor yesterday
It was pretty fantastic. The Jedi games are great additions to the Star Wars universe. I won’t spoil anything, but the twist towards the end got me - I was not expecting it at all! I still feel it… Can’t wait for the third game. I’ll play Outlaws next, and hope they captured the magic of a galaxy … read more
It’s been a hot minute since I watched anything on Prime Video, but God damn the introduction of ads has made it damn near unwatchable.
I would happily give up Prime Music (because I don’t use it anyway) for ad-free Prime Video again. Without having to pay extra.
I have hit the point that I need to start applying for “real” jobs, and for all the technology in the process, recruitment is so broken.
I just uploaded my CV, then had to spend 30 minutes retyping it into the “previous experience” section of a site’s recruitment page because it did such a bad job of automatically pulling out that information.
Like, can’t you just read my CV? Is that so hard, recruiters? Why make me waste my time on something so incredibly stupid.