• I haven’t seen this in at least 20 years, but Geena Davis was as amazing as I remembered in this film. Samuel L. Jackson was awesome too. Great flick.

  • A summer bushwalk in the rain

    This morning we got up early and drove to Thirlmere Lakes National Park to do a barbecue breakfast and then a little bushwalking. The weather was a little drizzly, which made it interesting, but the scenery was nice and the air was fresh. However… My son was not a fan of the leeches. Somehow they … read more

  • I enjoyed this more than the second movie. It’s still a bit too long – they could easily have cut the whole Calypso thing, given it went mostly nowhere. And I still don’t understand why both Barbosa and Jack were pirate lords when Barbosa was Jack’s first mate on the Black Pearl in the first movie?

    Anyway, I’m definitely overthinking it. Fairly ridiculous, silly fun.

  • This movie is too long. There are too many superfluous set pieces. I may have drifted off a bit.

    I really wanted to enjoy it more than I did.

  • Today was spent mourning my wife’s uncle, who recently passed away.

    It was a lovely service and commemoration and we caught up with family we don’t see enough.

    As we caught up with these friends and relatives, it struck me how coming together with loved ones, no matter how sad the reason, is still a great cause for joy.

    Rest in peace Rex.

  • I’ve had a few really good work conversations this week.

    It’s good to know that even after years of working behind the scenes, people in the industry still know and respect the work you did and want to find ways to work together in the future.

  • Better than I expected, but I wasn’t expecting much.

  • Finished reading: Civil War by Mark Millar 📚

    Really enjoyed this. Keen to dive a bit more into comics this year.

  • I was so bored in this movie. The plot was predictable, the protagonist was an irritating jerk, and the music was just terrible. Considering how good Phil Collins’ soundtrack for Tarzan was, I can’t help but think he completely phoned it in here.

    I’ve been dreading this film from our “Disney” list for a while, and I’m glad it’s done, and I’ll never have to watch it again.

  • It’s still school holidays, and today my daughter has pulled out Disney Infinity.

    I’ve watched her play through both the Inside Out game and the Star Wars Clone Wars missions.

    She is having the time of her life.

    I know the toys to life games were such a ridiculous money grab, but I still love the variety of Disney Infinity.

    It was such a fantastic implementation of Disney’s many, many IPs. Not just from the characters themselves, but also the story-mission games they launched. Plus there were consolidated games, like the racer and the Marvel brawler game!

    I’m still disappointed they cancelled it.

    I can’t help but wonder what they could have introduced over the years since it was scrapped.

    Combining all the Marvel characters to take on Thanos and the Infinity stones?

    Rescuing Grogu as The Mandalorian?

    Branching into all the Fox franchises? Imagine a Simpsons game! Even better, being able to play in the Toy Box with Homer and Luke Skywalker.

    I guess I should still be thankful for the games we did get in the series.

    But I can’t help but wonder what could have been…

  • I’m commuting to the city on public transport for the first time since March 2020. I’m unsurprised, yet still hugely disappointed, that my mobile data still drops out between Glenfield and Holsworthy.

  • Finally had a night without the kids last night and managed to watch this. All I can say is: “Holy crap”. It was insane, intense, beautiful and disgusting in the best possible ways. Wow.

  • I just ate way too much roast lamb.

    This is the way.

  • Haven’t watched it for ages, and introduced it to the kids tonight. They both loved it, savvy.

  • Shared victory of our first game of Harry Potter House Cup Competition with my wife.

    Played on 2023-01-14 with 4 players, winning score: 290 #bgstats

  • Today’s trip to Treetops

    Today I took the kids to Treetops out in Western Sydney. It was incredible. It’s rare I can find something that is active, outdoors and makes both the kids so happy. None of us were quite sure what to expect – I haven’t done a high ropes course since I was a teenager, and neither of the kids has … read more

  • Really enjoyed this episode. I reckon it’s the beginning of the Crosshair redemption arc.

  • Today my son and I raced up a hill. It was a decent hill; a dirt track with loose rocks, tufts of grass and scattered leaves.

    We started together, and he immediately pulled ahead. I watched him accelerate as my body slowed. I pushed harder and made minuscule gains, before he stretched his legs and left me panting in his dust.

    Hours later, I’m still feeling it. He hasn’t let me forget he beat me, either.

  • Finally got around to cleaning under the lounge today.

    It was filthy.

    I have already created a calendar event to do it again in six months so I don’t have to deal with quite so much dust and dirt next time.