The sequel was fun, and I enjoyed the focus on Elastigirl rather than Mr Incredible. But it just wasn’t as good as the original.
The iMac really should have a touchscreen
Yesterday I went to see Apple PR to tell them all about the new website. When I arrived, I was asked to sign in on a gorgeous 24-inch iMac. They have a custom screen with two big boxes so you can sign in as a guest or as a courier, and I walked over and obnoxiously tapped on the box that said … read more
Ed Zitron captured the perfect analogy about company obsession with growth today.
As my friend Kasey put it in a recent conversation, growth is a fire. If you build a nice, sustainable fire, it’ll keep you warm, cook food and sustain life. And if the only thing you care about is how big your fire is, then it’ll set fire to everything around it, and the more you throw into it, the more it’ll burn. Eventually, you’ll have nothing left, but if you desperately desire that fire, you will constantly have to find new things to burn at any cost.
Yesterday I officially unveiled my new work site, and shortly afterwards was interviewed by Phil at Influencing about it.
Not sure how easy it is to access, but it was a fun little interview.
(And also maybe check out BTTR)
I’ve started trying to begin my day with the daily puzzles in Good Sudoku on Apple Arcade. I find that the simple logic and structure helps my brain focus a bit.
It’s better towards the end of the work week when the puzzles are a little challenging, but not impossible.
I updated LinkedIn today so it must make it official.
I’ve launched a new product review site for Australians. It’s still really early days, so there’s still a long way to go.
But I’m quite happy with it so far.
(Feedback welcome)
There’s nothing quite like a Zelda game. I’m playing Skyward Sword on the Switch, and even though the controls are janky as all hell, its level design is flawless and the pacing is perfect.
Sunday barbecue
Well, my Sunday afternoon took a turn. Getting ready to cook a nice roast pork on the barbecue when a layer of residual grease stuck under the drip tray of the barbecue caught on fire. At first I thought it would just burn itself out. Then we got a fire blanket. Then we called the fire brigade. … read more
It’s been a few years since I’ve watched this one, but it definitely still holds up. Such a great film.
Third day back at school at the boy slept through his alarm. Lucky we have redundancies…
Now that the kids are back at school, I’ve been more focused on trying to work.
And now that I’m more focused on trying to work, I’m less focused on writing stuff here.
I need to consciously remember to write here.
Another year’s school books covered in Contact. I would pay a significant premium to get pre plastic-covered stationery each year.
Finished the last of the _Pirates of the Caribbean _films tonight. It was fine.
By this stage in a franchise, you kind of give up trying to understand the why of things.
What a great family day.
We took the kids bowling. It has been a long time since any of us has been bowling. We were all pretty terrible, but it didn’t matter. We had fun.
We had Yum Cha for lunch and burgers for dinner. We played air hockey and pool and ate Churros for dessert.
It was just a really nice, fun day.
Looking forward to the kids going back to school next week, though.
This was a lot more fun than I expected. Loved the 4th wall breaking — not just the spoken scenes, but especially the looks to camera. I loved the patriarchy-smashing plot and thought Milly Bobby Brown was spectacular. Definitely worth a watch.
I spent today playing the Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Beginner Game TTRPG.
Firstly, I’m shocked that this was the first time I have ever played a game like this. I think that made it harder than it might have been otherwise. But it was still heaps of fun. Will definitely need to play some more. 🎲
Mostly mindless, enjoyable romp. But I’m pretty sure the mermaid ate the missionary guy.
That makes the most sense after he angrily decided to name her like a pet halfway through.
A good friend - one of my old colleagues - built a game.
On his own.
While he was still working.
It’s call Chorus of the Night, and it is really solid. Costs $2.95 (AUD) on Steam. Here’s a handy link to help you buy it.
I think there’s a reason I’d never seen this before. It was… not good.
Cracked open The Hobbit: An Unexpected Party board game from the Christmas gift haul today with my daughter.
It is stunning.
The art is simply gorgeous. From the characters to the cards to the board itself, it is both The Hobbit you know and love, and something new as well.
The gameplay has just enough challenge to keep it interesting, but simple enough for the kids to enjoy.
Will definitely be pulling this game out regularly.
Won #TheHobbitAnUnexpectedParty on 2023-01-24 with 2 players, winning score: 27