I am mostly enjoying self employment, but I really miss getting paid.
You know, that feeling of having an income you can rely on and then using that money to buy things. I miss that.
Left it pretty late to do my taxes this year, but it has now been checked off the todo list. Pity the tax return has effectively already been spent on the kids…
Another classic.
I was reading the other day that Ratatouille, Wall-E and Up were all made at Pixar during a period of time when the studio wasn’t working with Disney, and wasn’t yet owned by Disney either.
The end result were these three movies that took some creative risks you typically don’t see in Disney films.
I’m glad. This is a great film, and makes you ride the full spectrum of emotions.
First time I watched this all the way through. It was pretty good.
So good. I’m still blown away by how much emotion is in this movie about robots that barely talk.
Finished reading: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller 📚
Funny that I enjoyed this a lot more than the first two Wheel of Time books.
Makes me want to watch Rebels again. Might have to do that before Ahsoka lands.
Today has been a real struggle. Combo of work challenges and the kids going back to school this week. Feel ready to collapse…
Played a truly epic game of Outer Rim with the family yesterday. Took us all day, and involved intense Sabbac competitions, snarky battles between players and the elimination of Hera Syndulla by Jyn Erso for the win.
And yes, we played with the Skyrim game mat.
Monday night soccer. At least tomorrow is a public holiday.
My first big BTTR hurdle
I had my first big setback on BTTR over the weekend. Amazon decided to close my Associates account. There were a couple of reasons given. The first was that my links weren’t clear, which I disagree with and am not sure what they meant. The second was that they saw purchases from family, … read more
Love having to explain what a vasectomy is to the kids after watching an episode of Malcolm in the Middle together…
Really loved watching the finale for The Mandalorian. Lots of questions about where things are going from here, but it was everything I hoped for from Star Wars. 📺
Took the kids to play some laser tag today. It’s one of the few things we do that’s just for dad and the kids.
Good to know I’ve still got it - I was the yellow team and the kids were the blue team 😂🎯🔫
Can’t watch this now without thinking about Racacoonie. Still good though.
Finished reading: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan 📚
Somewhere in here is a good story. But there are so many points where I just shrugged to myself and thought, “WTF is going on?”
BTTR Weekly update 12 April
And so, it is that at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon I pick myself up, dust myself off, and try to remember the week that was. School holidays really take it out of me. Even though the kids typically take care of themselves for the most part, finding motivation for anything is tough. But, all things … read more
Definitely weaker than the original. Admittedly it was a tough act to follow, but this just seemed to be missing a lot for me.
I can’t even begin to express how excited I am for Ahsoka.
This was great. Love how they made fun of the genre. Great characters, well acted. A lot of fun.
Another disappointment in the Disney list. The early 2000s really were full of duds for the big D.