The thing I can’t understand about the Metaverse is why.
Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this horror? If this is the best idea anyone has for convincing people to strap a big, ugly device to their head, then they are going to lose a lot of money.
I don’t think Google can launch a new successful product anymore. Surely the weight of its failures is more than its successes?
Google is shutting down Google Stadia and refunding everyone’s money www.techradar.com/news/brea…
Managed to go out to dinner with the wife (and without the kids) for the first time since March last year. It was wonderful. I’ve missed those quiet meals.
Creativity unlocked?
How am I feeling right now? I’ve written a fair amount today. Nothing revolutionary – nothing that will change the world. But I managed to type out a bunch of words in sentences that made sense. Funnily enough, this feels like progress. Which is good. Because my motivational challenges at work are … read more
Today I had 1 meeting at work. It was designed to give me clear goals about what my role is supposed to be. Instead, I got goals to come up with what those goals should be. What annoyed me today? I am not enjoying work at the moment. Hell, I’m not enjoying much of anything at the moment. The problem … read more
Colleague pointed out I’d made the homepage of news.com.au yesterday. I’m the guy standing in the background of the main pic. 🤣 Show me the money!
Just having one of those days when I have enough time to update to the newest version of iOS but not enough time to play around with it.
Watching a presentation where the slides have green buttons on a blue background and it offends my sensibilities.
My improved recycling game
There are a lot of things I like about living in the outer suburbs of Sydney. For example: Just last week I picked up my daughter from school, took a 5-minute detour from our usual commute home through the local Botanic Gardens and ended up watching about a dozen kangaroos hopping across a field. … read more
My indecision problem
There are now too many choices.
Whether it’s deciding what book I should read next, choosing the next show to binge watch on Netflix (or Disney Plus more likely in our household), or finding a new video game to play, I am frequently overwhelmed with the sheer number of options available.
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My learning to write again ✍️
I’m actually shocked at how hard I’m finding it to write. There was a time, a little over a decade ago, that I would regularly pump out thousands of words a day. I’d trawl the internet for the latest tech news, finding my own unique angles. I’d go to events and write about them, then spend time … read more
My mid-life crisis
Early in the pandemic, I was looking for a new hobby. For the past couple of decades, I’ve enthusiastically enjoyed spending my free time playing video games as my “hobby of choice”. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that whipping out the old DualShock (DualSense … read more
U Wish
Saw this driving home the other week. Not quite the sexy car I’d expect with that kind of license plate. read more
Who's Your Daddy? (Me)
Well, maybe not your Daddy, but a Daddy. That’s right - Lauren and I are having a baby! We’re both incredibly excited, as you could imagine. We’ve just passed the 13 week mark, so there’s still a long way to go, but so far everything has gone as smooth as we could hope for. … read more
So Much To Write About, So Little Time
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t neglected the Shuffle in recent weeks. There’s just been so much going on. So here’s the plan: Three short, sharp posts detailing a few of the big events of my life this past month or so… Stay tuned! read more
What Exactly is a Wookie Cookie?
The question is: What exactly is in a Wookie Cookie? Bantha Fodder? Cream of Ton-Ton? Jar-Jar Binks? Well, we can only hope that the last one is true… Star wars Cookbook Wookie Cookies Features Recipes Like Boba Fett-Uccine | Star Wars, Edible Geek, shopping | geeksugar - Technology & … read more
Star Wars Retold By Someone Who's Never Seen The Films
[vimeo vimeo.com/2809991] I love this. It completely made my Friday. read more
Finally, A New Study Worth Working In
We spent the better part of the past week painting the study. While it’s still not the perfect home office – I still need some decent shelving and we haven’t moved 90% of what we took out back in yet – it’s so much nicer. It’s actually a workspace, rather than a child’s … read more
Looking Back At 2008
On the last day of 2008, I thought it would be prudent to sit back and look at the year that’s been. All told, Lauren and I have had a very big – and successful – year. After all, I started at Gizmodo, we got married, I travelled around a bit and now Lauren’s been promoted to manager of … read more
8 Months After Our Wedding, We've Finally Paid It Off
Today is a good day for us. After 8 months or so, we’ve finally paid off our wedding. It was hard work - I worked a little harder and longer than I otherwise would have, and we had to manage our money extremely carefully, not to mention going without a lot of nice little extras, but in the … read more