• Perseverance

    Today I had 1 meeting at work. It was designed to give me clear goals about what my role is supposed to be. Instead, I got goals to come up with what those goals should be. What annoyed me today? I am not enjoying work at the moment. Hell, I’m not enjoying much of anything at the moment. The problem … read more

  • Kids are finally at an age they can clean up after dinner. They don’t do a good job, but at least they do it.

  • EA is making an Iron Man game. it’s crazy that it took this long, given how awesome it felt to fly around as Iron Man in Disney Infinity. 🎮

  • Colleague pointed out I’d made the homepage of news.com.au yesterday. I’m the guy standing in the background of the main pic. 🤣 Show me the money!

  • Finished reading: Magician by Raymond E. Feist — have read this a few times, but I still really enjoy it. Now on to the next one! 📚

  • Looks like Nintendo has found out how to take more of my money

    I have been holding off on the expanded Switch online offering since it launched. I just couldn’t see the value. But this… this could change things. 🎮 GoldenEye 007 Has Online Multiplayer On Nintendo Switch But Not On Xbox press-start.com.au/news/nint… read more

  • I have spent way to much time this week organising my Marvel Champions collection, only to discover I need more packs to add to my Marvel Champions collection. 🎲

  • Just having one of those days when I have enough time to update to the newest version of iOS but not enough time to play around with it.

  • I love the way The Mandalorian has captured all the great elements of Star Wars and managed to keep it building over 2.5 seasons. This teaser for season 3 has me all kinds of excited!


  • Happily defeated Ungoliant’s Spawn with a little help from Gandalf and Aragorn. Second play through was a little tougher than the first, but still fun! 🎲

  • I’m enjoying She-Hulk when I watch it, but it’s also really forgettable? If they didn’t sum up the previous episode at the beginning, I would have no recollection of what happened. I can barely remember this episode, and I just finished watching it. 📺

  • Episode one of Rings of Power was spectacular. Stunning visuals and a solid setup for what is set to be an epic series. Loved it. 📺

  • Watching a presentation where the slides have green buttons on a blue background and it offends my sensibilities.

  • Replaying the Batman Arkham games 🎮

    I recently decided to replay the Batman Arkham games. Great decision - they hold up really well, with fluid combat, a tight story and an immersive world to explore. I even managed to get the Platinum trophy for Arkham Asylum. I had so much fun I decided to try for the Platinum trophy in Arkham City. … read more

  • Parent/teacher interviews for the eldest this afternoon. Exciting times!

  • Happy Father’s Day to me. Going to have a lot of fun with this I think. 🎲

  • Started my Father’s Day with some Boba Fett waffles made by my daughter. This is the way. 🧇🥞

  • For the past 2.5 years or so, we’ve been trying to watch every Disney movie since Snow White. It has expanded and changed over time, but today we are watching A Bug’s Life. 🍿

  • My improved recycling game

    There are a lot of things I like about living in the outer suburbs of Sydney. For example: Just last week I picked up my daughter from school, took a 5-minute detour from our usual commute home through the local Botanic Gardens and ended up watching about a dozen kangaroos hopping across a field. … read more

  • The last couple of Muse albums didn’t really do it for me, but I’m digging this one 🎶: