• Challenged the kids to some handball today, and despite my increasing age, it’s good to know I can still show them their place — which is down in the Dunce square, looking up at their King.

  • The family wasn’t happy that I won the first game by taking the Ring of Power to Mount Doom, so they demanded we play again.

    And so I bankrupted all of them.

    There were tears.

    Won Monopoly The Lord of The Rings Edition on 2023-01-08 with 4 players, winning score: 172 🎲

  • Won Monopoly: The Lord of The Rings Edition on 2023-01-08 with 4 players, winning score: 43 🎲

  • Won Munchkin Harry Potter on 2023-01-07 with 3 players, winning score: 10 🎲

  • …and home after a long drive. The number of idiots on the road today tailgating and swerving between lanes in the rain was mind-boggling.

  • Doing the last day of holidays packing.

    I hate this bit.

  • Read about ASIC deciding to sue Finder over the crypto Finder Earn product and I have so many opinions that I think I might just bottle them up inside and use that pent up energy to fly to the moon.

  • Holy shit. I was at Sea World yesterday and looked at the helicopter rides. I feel for the families - this is horrible.

    Four dead after two helicopters collide near Sea World on the Gold Coast - ABC News

  • I spent the first day of 2023 with the family, pounding the pavement of Sea World. Still a great day out, but for some reason it felt like there was less there in the way of marine activities now compared to when we last visited 10 years ago.

  • I don’t think I could ever live here, but I do love the walking track that runs up and down the beaches of the Gold Coast. Such a gorgeous view in every direction.

  • After an epic 12 hour drive, we are finally on holidays up on the Gold Coast. Nice apartment, walking distance to the beach. Pretty tired, but looking forward to tomorrow!!

  • I just spent 45 minutes ransacking the house looking for the key to the car’s roof racks. I searched every nook; scoured every cranny… only to find them attached to my wife’s key ring.


  • Damn Christmas is so freaking exhausting. I’m shattered.

  • Just finished watching Spirited on Apple TV+ and thoroughly enjoyed it. The Wil Ferrell/Ryan Reynolds combo is perfect and the songs are catchy and funny in perfect amounts. Good Afternoon!

  • 3 Die Hard movies done and I’ve finished Christmas wrapping 4 days early this year.

    Not sure if I’m a slow wrapper or we spent too much on gifts. Probably both.

  • Wrapping presents and watching Die Hard. It’s officially Christmas time.

  • I finally got around to finishing Luigi’s Mansion on the Switch last night.

    Was cute, simple fun, but I have no desire to go through again collecting Gems and ghosts, or playing any of the multiplayer stuff.

    Next up I think I’ll work Skyward Sword off the pile of shame.

  • I guess I spent a bit of time getting ready for that David Gray White Ladder gig this year.

  • Oh! Today, randomly, I discovered my old blog. Well, one of them, anyway. I have now migrated it over here.

    Just need to find some time to fix up the linking and images. But it was fun to read some of that old stuff!

  • Today I pulled out the Rock Band instruments and rocked out with the kids all day. My fingers ache, my shoulder is sore and I regret nothing.

    It was worth every single second.