
  • Finished the year with an Outer Rim win. First time playing with the expansion, which was a lot of fun. The great pirate, Hondo Ohnaka, could not be defeated. 🎲

  • And because I love me a good “year in review” roundup, here’s my Apple Music Replay 🎵

  • And just like that, here comes the Nintendo year in review 🎮

  • Ooh, PlayStation 2023 wrap up is here. 🎮

    No surprises for me this year.

  • Finished building the Boushh Lego helmet today. I love it. The way the mask came together with the last bag was fantastic. It’s so clever!

    The Lego Princess Leia Boushh helmet all put together.
  • Started building Leia’s Boushh Lego helmet. Forgot to take a pic after bag 1, but I’m loving how the details and shape are coming together after bag 2.

    The Star Wars Lego Princess Leia Boushh helmet partially constructed, being held up in front of the box showing the completed product.
  • Worst day of my life, right here

  • Our quick long weekend

    We took a long weekend last weekend to Turon Gates, and it was spectacular. We stayed in a nice little cabin by there Turon river, watched the kangaroos, echidnas and wild goats, went bushwalking and horse riding, and cooked dinner on the fire. It was such a great opportunity to just stop and unwind … read more

  • Hogwarts Battle tonight with box 3 from the Monster Box of Monsters expansion

    Started off strong. Thought we had it all under control, and then the last encounter appeared. We needed to play 6 spells to be able to remove it. But that was hard. We hadn’t had a lot of spells appear on the board. And once Voldemort appeared, it became nearly impossible to impossible. In the end, … read more

  • Familiar Tales

    Spent the past couple of days playing Familiar Tales, which my daughter got for her last birthday. It’s a pretty epic campaign based game. We only finished the first chapter, but had a lot of fun doing so. We thought we were doing well on the last mission of the chapter, but then things changed … read more

  • Birds of Tokyo with the SSO

    Home after seeing Birds of Tokyo play at the Opera House with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It was phenomenal. The band were having lots of fun (for most of the show) and the SSO was amazing as always. A couple of tracks gave me tingles, making the hair stand up on the back of my neck it was so … read more

  • Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate the boy’s birthday. We ate a lot of meat. It was incredible.

    A platter of meat that we ate most of.
  • Finished him. He is magnificent.

    The detail is incredible. The building was fun. I need more.

    Completed Mandalorian Lego helmet build. &10;
  • Really trying to savour every moment of this Lego build.

    Top down look at the Lego Mandalorian helmet. I’ve just finished the top of the helmet.
  • Started building my Father’s Day present tonight.

    This is the way.

    A partially built Lego Mandalorian helmet being held in front of the instruction booklet. &10;
  • My Father’s Day is all about building a better zoo than my children.

    A top down look at a four player game of the board game Ark Nova.
  • Ingredients prepped to build up an epic pasta for dinner.

  • I’ve been neglecting the blog, so completely missed that there was a photo challenge.

    I don’t know if I would describe this as abstract, but it’s the best I can do at short notice.

    Close up of a steak cooking on a barbecue, with flames behind the grill.
  • Yes.

  • First flight since about 2019. Heading down to Melbourne for the new job.