Movies and TV

  • 3 Die Hard movies done and I’ve finished Christmas wrapping 4 days early this year.

    Not sure if I’m a slow wrapper or we spent too much on gifts. Probably both.

  • Wrapping presents and watching Die Hard. It’s officially Christmas time.

  • Yesterday I spent 5 minutes telling my kids how Batman & Robin was so bad it’s actually funny.

    This included me quoting Mr Freeze – complete with Austrian accent – saying, “Ice to see you”.

    Today, I discovered he doesn’t actually say it. That quote was from The Simpsons.


  • Just got home from a great day out with the family. Saw Wakanda Forever, enjoyed a great dinner and then saw David Gray play his White Ladder tour. Still buzzing.

  • I really loved Tales of the Jedi, particularly the last two Ahsoka episodes.

    Star Wars is a huge universe, but I really think Ahsoka, somehow, has become my favourite character. And I have a suspicion that I am not alone with that.

    Cannot wait for her show to land.

  • 🎬 Am I going crazy or did Monsters Inc. have credits scenes playing out parts of the “play” they invented in the movie? Just watched the Disney+ version and there was nothing. I am now questioning my memory.

  • 📺 Now I’ve seen the season finale of Rings of Power, I’m really looking forward to rewatching the whole thing to pick up on all the hints I missed first time around as to who was who and what was what.

    Thoroughly enjoyed season 1. Don’t want to wait for season 2.

  • 📺 That last episode of She-Hulk was weird. Was laughing all the way through it, but not sure how I feel about it all.

  • I for one can’t wait to see the upcoming blockbuster from Marvel Studios, “Lad”.

    (Always love when image cropping does things like this)

  • Just watched the latest She-Hulk, and gotta say Daredevil was fantastic. The banter, the action… it was all spot on. 📺

  • I love the way The Mandalorian has captured all the great elements of Star Wars and managed to keep it building over 2.5 seasons. This teaser for season 3 has me all kinds of excited!

  • I’m enjoying She-Hulk when I watch it, but it’s also really forgettable? If they didn’t sum up the previous episode at the beginning, I would have no recollection of what happened. I can barely remember this episode, and I just finished watching it. 📺

  • Episode one of Rings of Power was spectacular. Stunning visuals and a solid setup for what is set to be an epic series. Loved it. 📺

  • For the past 2.5 years or so, we’ve been trying to watch every Disney movie since Snow White. It has expanded and changed over time, but today we are watching A Bug’s Life. 🍿

  • Waiting for Transformers 2 screening

    Wow, it’s been 3 months since my last post. That’s pretty poor form. I’ll have to do something about that. At the moment I’m in The Eastern Hotel at Bondi Junction, waiting for a 7pm screening of the new Transformers movie. I’m very excited. Excited enough to write a … read more

  • Who Will Watch Me Watching The Watchmen?

    So I turned 29 last week, and one of the presents my lovely wife gave me to celebrate my slow and deliberate approach to retirement was a copy of the graphic novel Watchmen. You know: the one they’re making a movie of.

    Now despite my slightly geeky disposition, I never really threw myself headfirst …

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  • Damn! The Internets Are <em>Slow</em> at 64kbps

    So slow! It seems I exceeded my peak-time download limit this month, and now I’m paying the price. I’ve been capped at 64kbps, and considering that I work from home and that I work pretty much exclusively online, this isn’t an enviable position I find myself in. On the upside, I … read more

  • Say Hello To My New TV

    Last week, we had our brand new, 50-inch Panasonic plasma delivered and installed. When I say installed, I mean “stuck up on the wall”. Coupled with the new entertainment unit, the loungeroom is starting to come together. Now all we need is a surround sound system… I wrote up a … read more

  • Seinfeld's Microsoft Ad Hits The Intertubes There seems to be a real split in opinions over this ad. I like it – probably because it doesn’t actually try to sell me anything. It tries to entertain, and while it’s not hilariously funny, I actually had a smile through most of it. I think the lack of any mention … read more

  • Taking a Leak With Glenn A Baker and Jack Thompson

    I was fortunate enough to get a single pass to the premiere of the new Indiana Jones movie last week in Sydney. My thoughts on the film can be found over at Giz, but a quick summation is that its enjoyable, but they overstepped the “suspension of disbelief mark” a couple of times, which … read more