• Day 8’s beer was pretty good. Not as punchy as the label, but pretty solid. I am hoping for a bit more than pale ales in this advent calendar case though…

  • With a nice citrus touch, day 7’s beer 🍺 is remarkably easy to swallow. Has a really nice aftertaste too, which I find a bit uncommon for pale ales.

  • Today’s beer 🍺 is pure, unadulterated hoppiness. Not a typo - this one bounces with hops. It’s not overly quaffable, but there’s definitely a distinctive flavour that’s enjoyable, if maybe a little strong.

  • The photo of today’s beer came out blurry. I was going to go and take another shot of the empty bottle, but the truth is that I was a little underwhelmed by the bottle’s contents. It was a perfectly serviceable lager, but nothing to get excited about - much like this blurry photo.

  • Day 4 is probably my favourite beer of the early-birthday-advent-case so far 🍺. Really dry and malty, but fragrant too. Would recommend.

  • Day 3’s brew is a fine tasting Golden ale, with plenty of citrus smells and flavour. Would drink again.

  • How good was her Star Wars cake today?

  • Day 2 of the early-birthday-advent-calendar-beer-box. Easy, easy drinking with a friendly bitterness.

  • An early birthday present in the form of a beer advent calendar. Expect 24 more of these shots 🍺🍻🍺. This one was super fruity and hoppy and delicious. #beer

  • Bye bye green laundry door. Looks like the #bathroomreno painting is done. Still don’t have a vanity benchtop or shower screen, but that’s what tomorrow is for, right?

  • Today’s shots of the #bathroomreno are all pretty much yesterday’s shots, except with an extra layer of paint. This may not make for an interesting visual story, but it does mean we’re inching closer to completion!

  • It’s pretty incredible how much difference a coat of paint makes for a #bathroomreno…

  • Today was a day of prep work for what feels like the final push for the #bathroomreno. Cupboards went up in the laundry, doors went back on hinges, sliding doors were inserted, and the big hole in the roof outside was patched up. Next two days will be painting, then benchtops (hopefully) and accessories. Maaaaaaaayyyyyybeeeee we might be home next weekend? #famouslastwords

  • At the risk of jinxing things, I’m starting to feel like we’re getting close to the end game with the #bathroomreno. We now have both toilets in, shower heads, bath taps and a bench top in the laundry. Still need benchtops in the bathrooms and sinks/taps, plus a paint, plus appliances in the laundry, and then shower screens installed, but I’m hopeful we’ll be home soon!!

  • Latest updates to the #bathroomreno involve some final plaster work, finished PowerPoints and lighting and drains all done. Now we have to wait until Thursday (at the earliest) for the stone benchtops to arrive for the next phase to kick off.

  • We had a visit from the plaster fairy today during the #bathroomreno. Ceilings, cornices and walls have all had cracks and gaps sealed up, including the new walk-in wardrobe. Think #fredrosebathrooms will be heading into the home stretch soon…

  • Grout is great. Greets the eye with grand grace and grabs your attention. 😁😁We’re getting close now… #bathroomreno #fredrosebathrooms

  • If yesterday seemed like it was slower going, today was like the tiling gods themselves got busy. Bathroom is tiled (and looks great) and laundry tiling is done too. What’s more, the brickwork appears to be done as well, closing in the old doorway and bridging the bathroom windows. Obviously still plenty left to do in this #bathroomreno, but doesn’t it look good?

  • Some super exciting developments in the #bathroomreno today. Among the shiny new bits we’ve seen today are the sliding door from our bedroom to the walk-in wardrobe, the wall frame for the walk-in, copper bases for the showers, and the new bathroom door frame. Those #fredrosebathrooms tradies are earning their pay with this job!!

  • Yesterday the plumber plumbed and the sparky sparked, and now things are ready for the carpenters to carpent. Or, in other words, walls should start going up today! #bathroomreno #byebyebathroom #fredrosebathrooms