• I enjoyed this enough. I thought Ariel was great, as were Sebastian and Scuttle. But Eric, Flounder and Ursula were all a bit meh.

    But I don’t feel like there was anything added here to the original. That said, wife and daughter absolutely loved it, so maybe I’m just a bit too harsh.

  • My son’s tech assessment on Friday is cooking up a burger, so he had a practice run through cooking for the family tonight. It was really good!

  • Finished reading: Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars) by Timothy Zahn 📚

    Interesting book. I think he captured Vader quite well, but I sometimes had to reread something with James Earl Jones’ voice in my head to make it feel right.

    Looking forward to the next one now.

  • It’s been so long since I watched this I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Great movie. Lays a lot of groundwork for_Frozen,_ too.

  • Today I went and had a briefing on a new coffee machine at the De’Longhi Coffee Lounge. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it involved drinking a number of coffees. I didn’t quite drink enough to be able to see through space and time, but I reckon I came close.

    Also I now have one of these machines to review. Look out world.

  • Today was an epic day of back to back events and meetings. It get good to be getting myself back out there.

  • Yeah, I freakin’ loved Guardians Vol 3. They weren’t saving the Galaxy, they were saving each other, and also the Galaxy along the way.

    Now give me 23 episodes of Rocket and crew saving small time aliens around the universe, Disney!

  • Could barely keep my eyes open I was so bored… but it was still better than The Wild.

  • Finally got to Kara’s favourite Disney movie. She’s very happy.

    It took us years to watch this when it first came out. I think we were so jaded by the poor quality of the Disney movies before this one came out, so we never got around to it.

    But we missed out, because this is great.

  • Today I tried to set up Google ad manager on BTTR. It… did not go as planned.

    Now to decide whether I should invest the time to learn how to use it, or just outsource it.

    I guess it will come down to cost.

  • I enjoyed this more than I remembered. Not as strong as some of the later princess movies like Tangled and Frozen and Moana, but still enjoyable.

  • For the second time in the past month, (and probably the fourth or fifth time since they moved in), my neighbour’s bins weren’t collected.

    After 9 months, you would think they would realise they have been putting them out backwards. 🤦🏻

  • Realised there was a comic version of Thrawn last night, so decided to read it too.

    It’s a good translation of the novel, though doesn’t capture the Thrawn/Vanto relationship as well as the book.

    Finished reading: Star Wars by Jody Houser 📚

  • This was good! Couldn’t really put it down.

    I haven’t read Heir to the Empire (yet), but loved (to hate) Thrawn in Rebels. It was interesting to read his story, and actually root for him despite his attachment to the Empire.

    Finished reading: Thrawn (Star Wars) by Timothy Zahn 📚

  • The preparation for Ahsoka in August continues…

    So far enjoying this immensely!

    Currently reading: Thrawn (Star Wars) by Timothy Zahn 📚

  • To prepare for Ahsoka in a couple of months, we started a rewatch of Rebels last weekend.

    We’re only 5 episodes in, but I love this show. I love the characters. I love the story. I love the world.

    I cannot wait to see them in live action. I am practically counting down the days now.

  • Tonight we discovered the joy of 2Cellos. Phenomenal. Obviously quite late to the party, but the whole family was blown away.

  • Today, I realised I miss listening to perfect albums

    I mentioned a couple of months ago that I have been obsessed with the latest Paramore album, This is why. I’ve always liked their music, but I feel like the new album is a fantastic piece of art, where every song is as good (or better) than the song before. There’s nothing in there I would skip … read more

  • May the fourth be with you.

    This is the May.

  • I am mostly enjoying self employment, but I really miss getting paid.

    You know, that feeling of having an income you can rely on and then using that money to buy things. I miss that.