
  • Absolutely devastated for my little girl, who is going to have to miss her first camp tomorrow (technically it’s a day camp) after 2.5 years of lock down and general crappiness because she’s too sick.

    So far the entirety of the 2020s has been one great big disappointment.

  • Last week a colleague told me she was pregnant.

    While congratulating her, I had an insight: Now that my own kids are a bit older and more self-sufficient, I feel like I need them more than they need me.

    I wish I could have given them more of my time when they really needed it.

  • Parenting a teenager: A poem

    At least we can feed the beast
    Flour, water, sugar, and yeast
    And he will think it a feast

  • Teenagers are so exhausting. It’s like having a toddler again, except he talks back every time.

  • The pain of weekday mornings

    Despite my children reaching an age that they are somewhat independent, they are still mostly dependent. And this is best exemplified by the weekday morning routine. Despite the fact that I wake up at 6:30am every Monday to Friday, I don’t get to think about anything other than The Routine until … read more

  • Virtually blind

    Today my daughter brought home her prizes for school fundraising, which included an exceptionally cheap plastic “VR headset” - just a slightly better version of Google Cardboard. I stuck my phone in and she watched a 360-degree YouTube video of a roller coaster. According to her, it was the best … read more

  • Managed to go out to dinner with the wife (and without the kids) for the first time since March last year. It was wonderful. I’ve missed those quiet meals.

  • Kids are finally at an age they can clean up after dinner. They don’t do a good job, but at least they do it.

  • Parent/teacher interviews for the eldest this afternoon. Exciting times!

  • Started my Father’s Day with some Boba Fett waffles made by my daughter. This is the way. 🧇🥞